Parental Involvement In School Activities BY ALBERTA SIAW
Parental Involvement Parental involvement is a combination of commitment and active participation on the part of the parent to the school and to the student.
School Activities The term “ school activities” applies to a wide range of skill-based games, strategies and interactive activities that support students educational development.
Involvement Active Involvement Participate in all sporting activities Participate in all PTA Volunteer in school activities Moderate involvement Sometimes participate in school Debate Sometimes participate in PTA Sometimes participate in quiz competition Lack of involvement Do not participate in any activity Criticize every activity Feel Inferior Work
EXAMPLE OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Entertainment Drama Sports Durbar Art display Music competition General Fundraising Quizzes PTA Welfare projects
Involvement Active Involvement It contributes to higher quality education Better performance of schools Students have a more positive attitude toward school Students put up better behavior Sense of good relation between parent and teachers Better decision making Lack of involvement Students needs Decision making Policy implementation
Types of Involvement Parent Communicate regularly with teachers Think of yourself as the teacher's partner in managing your child Monitor your child's homework and school projects Volunteer at the school Assisting with extracurricular activities Participation in school governance Provision of a secure and stable environment
How parents can be involved Parents feeling involved Making parents feel welcome at school Involving parents in decision making Implementing programs to provide information about parenting skills providing community resources.
Information Access Assessing website s Text messages Phone calls Flyers Reading newsletters Announcement calendar Types Assistance Volunteering Partnership Communication Monitoring observation Participation
Why parents do not get involved in school activities School Activities parents’ pre occupy themselves with work activities Some of the parents lack Knowledge on why to get involved in school activities. Lack of communication between schools and parents Parents do not receive any orientation on activities
How parents could be familiar with school information Familiarization Read the student code of conduct and discipline policy Regularly read the school newsletter Be familiar with the extra services provided at your child's school Make yourself available for conferences requested by your child's teacher Initiate contact with your child's teacher or principal just to show your support
How parents can support learning at home Parents Encourage reading Pay attention Observe children Be knowledgeable Encourage children to complete their assignment Provide literate rich environment Set rules for kids Involve children in decision making Be skillful
Better performance of children
Conclusion Students are more successful when parents are involved in their children's education. Parents are encouraged to be the best parents to their children's education.This will enable children realize their goals in life. Any Questions?
R EFERENCES Brittie, L. V. (1994). Attitudes of elementary principals toward parent involvement in schools in Coffey International Development Inception Report (2011) Political Economy of Ghana. LaBahn, J. (1995). Education and parental involvement in secondary schools: Problems, solutions, and effects. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. retrieved March 30 th from The Center for Comprehensive School Reform (2005). Getting Parents Involved in Schools meeting the Challenge: retrieved March, 30 th from: