PUSD Teacher Evaluation SY12/13 Governing Board Presentation May 10, 2012
Presentation Overview Requirements of ARS New Legislative Developments PD and Communication Survey Response Revisions PUSD Data Input Process Data Requirement PUSD Next Steps
Arizona Revised Statutes § (A)(38) The State Board of Education shall…”on or before December 15, 2011 adopt and maintain a model framework for a teacher and principal evaluation instrument that includes quantitative data on student academic progress that accounts for between thirty-three percent and fifty percent of the evaluation outcomes and best practices for professional development and evaluator training. School districts and charter schools shall use an instrument that meets the data requirements established by the State Board of Education to annually evaluate individual teachers and principals beginning in school year 2012 – 2013.”
HB 2823 Effective June, 2012 Allows governing boards to delay the implementation of the Teacher and Principal Evaluation data component until SY13-14 Administration recommends we move forward
Framework Requirements ADE Adopted Model Framework for Educator Effectiveness April, 2011 Classroom observation tool must be: Rubric-based Tied to Arizona Teaching Standards 33% to 50% of the evaluation must be based on student achievement data PUSD began to make the shift in evaluation practices this year Bringing revisions to current process forward tonight
Professional Development and Communication Professional Development: Over 50 hours of training for administrators Teachers trained on the four different modules Teachers and Administrators surveyed to solicit feedback on the process and the instrument Site visits to every school by Deputy Superintendent and Human Resources to every school to help provide understanding around the Framework, the data component, the law, and PUSD processes
PUSD Plans for Continuous Improvement for Current Evaluation Process Reconvened Governing Board appointed Certified Teacher Evaluation Committee (CTEC) to look at current evaluation tool and system Committee: Analyzed survey data from both teachers and administrators Administration is bringing back CTEC’s recommended changes to the tools and process to the Governing Board for approval this evening
Response to Survey Concern - Length Minor wording changes based on current research Deletes Components 3e, 3f, and 3h Assesses the three reflections written by teachers based on their goals using Component 4a, Reflection on Teaching
Response to Survey Concern - TIME Non-Continuing Teacher Minimum of TWO classroom observations – one scheduled, one unscheduled – each semester Continuing Teacher Minimum of 80 minutes of observation Minimum of TWO observations Added a mid-year conference to collect evidence on Domains 1 and 4 to be completed prior to February 1st.
Response to Survey Concern- TIME IMT On-Line Application Development Exploring the use of Technology Pilot to began on April 28 th Efficiencies gained
Data Model
PUSD Data Input Process November, 2011 – Administration Formed Teacher Evaluation Data Committee 80 participants district-wide participated in 5 meetings Developed understanding around the Framework and the requirements of ARS Group A and Group B Valid and Reliable Data Classroom-level Data Data Mining Made recommendations for percentages for Group A and Group B teachers
Data Percentage Recommendation Committee Recommendation for Data Group A Group B Instructional Practices Classroom- level Data School-level Data
Teacher Evaluation: Data Component Next Steps Created a PUSD Standing Data Committee Committee comprised mostly of teachers Reviewed the Data Committee’s work and formalized it for Governing Board approval Formulate the data points and process needed to satisfy ARS and the Framework Fair and equitable data components Recommendation regarding use of data in employment decision making
Data Model Guiding Principles Collaborative thinking Guiding principles Equity Comprehensive Manageable Choice – Menu Driven Balance Transparency First Year’s Needs Spirit of the Law
Putting it All Together – Group A
Group A – 33/7/40 6 Overall Data Points 33% 4 Choices 2 are mandatory 7% - Surveys Pick 2 1 Survey Mandatory Parent Student Choices are made at the end of the year 60%- Professional Practices Danielson/PUSD Framework
Putting It All Together – Group B
Group B – 33/67 5 Overall data points 33% 1 Mandatory – Survey Parent Student If a valid and reliable data point exists, that is mandatory Choices are made at the end of the year 67% Professional Practices- Danielson/PUSD Framework
How is This Data Used? Administration recommends no employment decisions be made using the data component of teacher evaluation in SY 12-13
Development of Classroom-level Data This Summer – K-12 Curriculum Work English/Language Arts Math CTE (selected pathways) Arts Assessment Development Math Focus SY Science, Social Studies, Arts, CTE (selected pathways), Special Areas
How Will This Change Things? This is a journey for PUSD Developing a common vocabulary about what excellent instruction looks like A common focus and vision for curriculum, instruction and assessment
Final Thoughts “Every profession establishes a language of practice, one that captures the important concepts and understandings shared by members of the profession. Similarly, a framework for teaching offers educators a means of communicating about excellence. …A uniform framework allows those conversations to guide novices as well as to enhance the performance of veterans.” Charlotte Danielson
Questions on Teacher Evaluation