ABOUT THE BOOKS Who Would Win is a series by Jerry Pallotta. He picks two things and researches them. He has to find out a lot about them. He watches videos, reads books and articles, and looks at pictures. In the end of his books he decides which thing would win.
WHAT TO RESEARCH Scientific name of your things Tell about their body (length, weight, skull, tongue, skull) Tell about interesting features ( Venom, Stingers, Fangs) Habitat (Homes, do live in packs?, Sleep?) Anything you find interesting about the thing. (Hunting Style, How many are there? Jaw strength)
YOUR JOB Think of two things that relate to one another that you could research. (Example: whale vs squid) They can not be random things but must be relatable. ( No shoes vs. Spongebob!)
YOUR BOOK You are going to create your own Who Would Win book. It will need to include a lot of researched information and pictures. There are going to be several requirements which will follow the books, but you will have time so do not rush!
REQUIREMENTS 16 Page Book A Cover with (Title, Author, Illustrator) Must have an introduction Checklist of what you had at the end Illustrations on each page with facts Explanation of who would win and why!