Visitors: who are they & how do we fulfil their needs? Simon Tipple
Who are ‘Visitors’? Tourism is defined by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Tourism Intelligence Unit as: "A movement of people to places outside their usual place of residence, pleasure being the usual motivation." Church visitors may also include people who live in and around the parish who do not regularly attend church.
Why should churches encourage visitors? To offer a welcoming, hospitable and open door to all. Fundraising and long term income. Supports programmes of events. Encourages pride in local heritage and communities. Creates an attractive image for the area. Increases demand for local businesses. Highlights the importance of maintaining local facilities. Draws attention to the need to protect the environment. Promotes healthy lifestyles through walking, cycling, etc. Encourages cultural diversity. Local residents explore their local environment.
What are visitors wants and needs and how do churches fulfil and exceed these? Group exercise
The How, Where and Why of promoting Your Church Event? Simon Tipple & Jon Tromans
The How, Where and Why of promoting Your Church Event? Group Exercise: How, where and why should churches promote events? (Simon leading) The power of expanding the message through Social Media (Jon leading) Group Discussion
Contact: Simon Tipple Tipple Tourism & Economic Solutions Tel: