Building Your Coaching Practice Presented by Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC ICF Immediate Past Board Chair
International Coach Federation 26,000+ members in 119 countries 15,500 + ICF Credential holders (87countries: ACC: 50%; PCC: 44%; MCC: 6%)
Who is in the room? First timers? Who traveled more than 2 hours to get here? Who are students or recent coaching graduates? Who are the credential holders in the room?
Personal “formula” Clear vision A good plan Collaboration and support from people Hard work Belief in myself
Objectives Identify limiting beliefs about marketing Define “Branding” Explore: –Niches –Websites –Social media –Videos –Books and Public Speaking Develop your plan
Exercise Introduce yourself: your name and something you want to share. You have 1 minutes to do it and 5 minutes per table.
Exercise: Limiting Beliefs What are your beliefs about marketing, selling your services? What can be in your way? Share with a colleague. You have 3 minutes each.
Branding William Arruda defines branding as “the unique promise of value”. It’s about being authentic and genuine. Knowing who you are! In what ways are you unique, different? How can you “uncover”? What are your values, goals, strengths, passions, experiences? How do you see yourself? How do others see you?
Branding 360Reach Evaluation Code: ICFLA Expires March 31, 2015 My results: world citizen, connector, mover, optimist
Niche Who is your ideal client? What are their problems or challenges? –Business, Money, Relationships and Dating, Health and Fitness What are the solutions you have to offer? Your niche can find you! Interview ideal clients to learn about their challenges
Exercise on Niches Share your niche or possible niche at your table. You have 10 minutes.
Websites What are the key elements of a Website? –Clean –Language of your niche –Video –Call for action –Offer free product –Blog –Testimonials
Social Media Facebook LinkedIn Google+ Twitter YouTube Pinterest and Instagram
Videos and Public Speaking Videos are the newest trend Books as marketing materials Public Speaking opens up great possibilities
Action Plan Identify three action steps you can take as a result of the session Share them at your table. You have 10 minutes!
Information on ICF Web Site –Events Business Development Series – 6&navItemNumber=3730 6&navItemNumber=3730 – er=3724&navItemNumber=3725 Achieved Learning –Virtual Education – m?ItemNumber=2977 m?ItemNumber=2977 – m?ItemNumber=2973 m?ItemNumber=2973 – m?ItemNumber=2975
Contact Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC Skype: Damian1205
2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite A325 Lexington, KY