Presented by: Veronica V. Sopher, Executive Director of School/Community Relations Leander ISD Innovation, Continuous Improvement, Perseverance
Municipalities in Leander ISD Municipalities in Leander ISD
Number of Schools and Students High Schools & 2 Alternative Schools 8 Middle Schools 23 Elementary Schools 9,900 8,500 16,900 Total District:35,300 = 1,000 students +
White 63.29% Hispanic 23.82% Asian 5.12% African American 3.87% Multi-racial 3.43% Native American/Alaskan 0.30% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.18% Eco. Disadvantaged 21.83% Languages Spoken in LISD65 Data from the PEIMS Fall 12/13 preliminary submission.
Historical Enrollment Enrollment through from AEIS Reports (PEIMS snapshot date), 11-12and based on unaudited PEIMS snapshot enrollment (last Fri. in Oct.) (not adjusted for pre-k )
Projected Enrollment Note: Projections based on “Low Growth” from October 2012 Demographic Study Update by Population and Survey Analysts Enrollment based on PEIMS Snapshot Date of Oct. 26, 2012 Projected Enrollment Increase of 12.33% Over 5 Years Projected Enrollment Increase of 27.78% Over 10 Years
Total Teachers ,234 Over 20 Years Experience % Years Experience % 6-10 Years Experience % 1-5 Years Experience % Beginning Teachers863.9% Data from the PEIMS Fall 12/13 preliminary submission. *Numbers rounded
Auxiliary/Support Staff948 Educational Aides333 Central Administration 40 Campus Administration 104 Professional Support536 Teachers 2,234 Total District Staff ,159 Total District Staff ,041 Total District Staff ,196 Data from the PEIMS Fall 12/13 preliminary submission and PEIMS Fall 11/12 submission. Numbers are rounded.
LISD Vision
Average SAT Score for Critical Reading & Math