“Can a person become a Christian if that person has been divorced and remarried?” Yes, every sinner is saved who Believes in Jesus Christ Confesses faith before men Repents of past sins Baptized for remission of sins -Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:37-38, 41; 8:35-38; 17:30; 22:16; Rom 6:1-4; 10:9-10; Gal 3:26-27; 1 Pet 3:21 “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” Acts 2:21 WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED ? 2
“What are the divorced and remarried to do who wish to be saved from their sins?” If one’s divorce and remarriage violates the word of Christ, then he must repent of that sin, too. Matthew 19:9 (Acts 10:34-35) Two issues: 1)Was the remarriage God- approved? 2)What is repentance and what does it demand of the sinner? “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” Acts 2:21 THE REAL QUESTION 3
Matthew 19:4-6 (5:32) Hebrews 13:4 Romans 7:1-3 Mark 10:11-12 SINFUL DIVORCE AND REMARRIAG E Marriage, ordained by God, is for life and is not to be sundered, Matt 19:4-6 (Heb 13:4) One can live in adultery, Rom 7:1-3; Col 3:5-7 Sinful remarriage is committing adultery…living in sin, Matt 19:9; 5:32; Mark 10:
Acts 2: Acts 22:16 THE ADULTERER IS LOST AND NEEDS SALVATION Sin must be washed away by the blood of Christ (Rom 6:3-4) Does baptism change the meaning of adultery, thus making it holy? Or, does baptism remove the sin of adultery after repentance has taken place? (Eph 4:17, 20-24) 6
Demands ending the present sin of adultery 7 REPENTANCE
“To change one’s mind” Caused by godly sorrow Godly sorrow causes one to repent and do the opposite of what was being done, Matt 21:29 Fruit of repentance is to stop sinning, Acts 26:20; Rev 9:20-21 Repentance does not change the nature of sin, 1 Cor 6:9-11 REPENT 8 Acts 17:30 2 Cor 7: 9-10 Luke 3: 10-14
Giving permission to the divorced and remarried to remain in their sinful relation 9 OBJECTIONS TO ENDING A SINFUL REMARRIAGE
What is unclear? The sin of adultery? Matt 19:9 Repentance of sins? Acts 26:20 What baptism cleanses? Acts 22:16; Rom 6:1-3 What is expected after conversion? Rom 6:4 If we cannot know, teach and obey the truth on this subject, how can we know, teach and obey the truth on any subject? (Eph 5:17) 10
Assumes divorced and remarried in Acts 2 Assumes every sin is specified in Acts 2 Based on silence, we could just as properly allow… Live-in partners to stay together Polygamists to stay together Same-sex marriages to stay together Correct definition of repentance explains the same need of all sinners: repent and be baptized 11
Stay unmarried or be reconciled, 1 Cor 7:11 Israel was expected to “unscramble” sinful marriages, Ezra 9:1-2, 14; 10:1-4, Even with children involved, Ezra 10:44 Sinners in Ephesus could “confess” and cease their sinful deeds, Acts 19:18-20 Every sinner must renounce all for Christ, Luke 14:33 (9:23) For the kingdom’s sake, Matt 19:10-12 (25-26) 12
Apply this rationale to 1 Cor 6:9-11 Context is of non-sinful conditions As God has distributed to each one, 7:17 Circumcised or uncircumcised, slave or free A righteous marriage to unbeliever (7:12-14) Keeping the commandments of God, 7:19 Cannot remain in the “calling” of adultery, 7:20 (occupation, profession – way of life) Adulterer cannot “remain with God” while remaining in adultery, 7:24 13
Have your own wife, not another’s, 1 Cor 7:2; Mk 6:17-18 (Rom 7:3) Abimelech would have sinned had he touched Sarah, Abraham’s wife, Gen 20:3, 6-7, 14 Was God “forbidding marriage”? No, He was forbidding a sinful marriage! 14
New creatures in Christ must: Put off the old man of sin Put on the new man of righteousness, 2 Cor 5:17; Colossians 3:5-10 Christians are joined to Christ We cannot continue in sin and be united with Him, Rom 6:1-6 Adulterers must cease their adulterous remarriage in order be saved… Repentance demands it! 15 The Divorced and Remarried Who Would Come to God