WHAT IS EMIGRATION? Emigration is leaving one country or region to go and stay in another country or region. Emigration is leaving one country or region to go and stay in another country or region.
Differences between emigrant and immigrant Emigrant is the person who moves from his own country to another, usually with the purpose of working and immigrant is the person who moves into a country. Emigrant is the person who moves from his own country to another, usually with the purpose of working and immigrant is the person who moves into a country.
TYPES OF MIGRATION Internal. They are the migrations within a country. Internal. They are the migrations within a country. External. They are the migrations outside the borders of a country. External. They are the migrations outside the borders of a country.
CAUSES FOR MIGRATION The causes for migration are: The causes for migration are: Political, economic, cultural or environmental reasons. Political, economic, cultural or environmental reasons. Many older people living in rich nations with cold climates choose to move to warmer climates when they retire Many older people living in rich nations with cold climates choose to move to warmer climates when they retire