Eclipsys Physician Entry This presentation addresses physician entry for all visit types in Eclipsys.
Physician Definitions PCP - Primary Care Physician/Provider – Defined as the physician who provides primary care to the patient and is listed as such with the patient’s insurance payer Referring Physician – Defined as the physician who ordered or sent the patient for treatment or services Admitting Physician – Defined as the physician who ordered the admission Attending Physician – Defined as the physician assigned to care for the patient Note: The Referring Physician field should only be completed if the Referring physician is different than the Attending or Admitting physician. If the patient does not have a Referring physician, leave this field blank.
ED Outpatient Referring Physician – The doctor that referred the patient to the Emergency Room. This could be the patient’s Primary Care Physician or a Specialist or it may be left blank if the patient came in on their own and was not directed by a physician. ER Physician – will reflect the ED Attending Physician.
ED Admission/Inpatient Referring Physician – When updating the visit from ED to Inpatient, the Referring physician defaults from the ED Visit and will only be populated if the patient was referred to the ED. The Referring physician should not be revised. Admitting Physician – will reflect who ordered the admission. Attending Physician will reflect the physician assigned to care for the patient.
Observation/Chest Pain Center Referring Physician – When updating the visit from ED to Observation, the Referring physician defaults from the ED Visit and will only be populated if the patient was referred to the ED. The Referring physician should not be revised. Admitting Physician – will reflect the ED Physician who ordered the admission to observation. Attending Physician – will reflect the physician assigned to care for the patient in the Observation unit.
Direct Admit Referring Physician – The doctor that referred the patient to be admitted if different than the Attending or Admitting physician. Admitting Physician – will reflect who ordered the admission. Attending Physician – will reflect the physician assigned to care for the patient.
Newborn Referring Physician – Newborns Do Not have a Referring physician. Admitting Physician – will reflect the mother’s OB/GYN. Attending Physician – will reflect the newborn’s pediatrician.
Maternity Admission Referring Physician – The doctor that referred the patient to be admitted if different than the Admitting or Attending physician. Admitting Physician – will reflect the physician who ordered the admission. Attending Physician – will reflect the physician assigned to care for the patient.
Clinic Referring Physician – The doctor who referred the patient to be seen in the clinic if different than the Attending physician. Attending Physician – will reflect the NP, PA or Attending physician who will oversee the care provided to the patient in the clinic (a resident cannot be the Attending physician).
Surgical Day Care (SDC) Referring Physician – The doctor who referred the patient for the surgery if different than the Attending physician. Attending Physician – will reflect the physician who is performing the surgery/procedure.
Ancillary Referred Services (Lab, Radiology and all Diagnostic Testing) Referring Physician – The doctor who ordered/referred the patient for the test or service. Attending Physician – The value of REFERRING DOC (88888) should always be selected for Ancillary Referred Services.
This concludes our presentation on physician entry in Eclipsys. If you have any questions regarding physician entry in Eclipsys please contact one of the Revenue Enhancement Training Team members listed below: Janet Crist: Kathy Arena: Lynne Towers: Jane Barcik: Pat Nabozny: You may also questions to “Eclipsys Questions and Answers”. Thank you.