Original Next Generation Voyager Deep Space 9 EnterprisePot Luck Instructions: Click on any square below to reveal the question. Then click on the answer button to check the answer. Finally, click on the answer slide to come back to this page. See how much money your knowledge of Star Trek could get you. Good Luck Final Question Applause
Who invented the duotronic computer system used on the USS Enterprise? Answer
Dr Richard Daystrom Back To Board
Where was Captain James T. Kirk born? Answer
Iowa Back To Board
What was the name of the wheat like grain in the episode “The Trouble with Tribbles”? Answer
Quadrotriticale Back To Board
What was the name of the legendary Vulcan peacemaker seen in “Savage Curtain”? Answer
Surak Back To Board
What leader from Earth's Eugenics War takes over the Enterprise? Answer
Khan Noonien Singh After Kirk and Spock retake the ship, Kirk sends Kahn and his crew to an uninhabited planet. This sets the basis for Star Trek 2: “The Wrath of Kahn" Back To Board
Who was the ship's Counsellor? Answer
Deanna Troi Back To Board
Who was the first Chief of Security when the Next Generation series began? Answer
Tasha Yar Yar was the first Chief of Security. Lieutenant Worf replaced her when she passed away Back To Board
Who is the first crewmember to encounter a Borg in the flesh in “Q Who”? Answer
La Forge A Borg drone materializes in Engineering right before the eyes (well, visor) of Lieutenant Geordi La Forge Back To Board
Who is eager to take over Riker's job on the Enterprise in “Best of Both Worlds”? Answer
Shelby In “Best of Both Worlds - Part 2” Riker reluctantly chooses Shelby as his first officer Back To Board
Who was the doctor in season 2? Answer
Dr. Pulaski Pulaski was there for the whole season 2. It took her a while to accept Data as a fellow officer and not just an android Back To Board
Who was discovered to be Cardassian and then joined the Kazon? Answer
Seska This started when they discovered that someone on-board gave technology to the Kazon Back To Board
Who was responsible for stranding the Voyager crew in the first place? Answer
The Caretaker It was in the first episode, “Caretaker” that they were stranded Back To Board
Who left Voyager in the episode “The Gift”? Answer
Kes Kes was replaced with Seven and before Kes left she used her new powers to push Voyager past the heart of Borg territory Back To Board
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Who is the first child born on Voyager? Answer
Naomi Wildman Naomi is half-human, half-Ktarian. She is the daughter of Samantha Wildman. She is the first child born on the U.S.S. Voyager after it was swept into the Delta Quadrant. Her Ktarian father's name is Greskrendtregk, but since he remained at station Deep Space 9 when Voyager was lost, she has grown up not knowing him Back To Board
Who is the holographic Doctor's program modelled after? Answer
Zimmerman The Doctor and Dr. Louis Zimmerman meet when the Doctor saves his life Back To Board
Ziyal is the daughter of which evil mastermind? Answer
Gul Dukat Ziyal was both Cardassian and Bajoran. She was killed tragically which drove Dukat to insanity for a brief time Back To Board
Whose quarters did Jadzia break into and change the furniture around? Answer
Odo Quark was not the only prankster on the station Back To Board
Who was the third host of the Dax symbiont? Answer
Emony Emony was a professional gymnast who once had a romantic liaison with Doctor Leonard McCoy. During the Trill rite of closure Leeta embodied Emony so she could speak with Jadzia Back To Board
Who was responsible for giving the Cardassians information which led to the Kendra Valley Massacre? Answer
Kai Opaka Bareil hid this secret which eventually prevented him from becoming Kai Back To Board
Who prevented the Reckoning from occurring? Answer
Kai Winn As Kira and Jake (one inhabited by a Prophet, the other a Pah-wraith) fought it out on Deep Space Nine, Sisko watched helplessly. It was Kai Winn who stopped the Reckoning (the destruction of the Pah-wraiths) from happening Back To Board
What species does Doctor Phlox belong to? Answer
Denobulan Back To Board
What new type of weapon is Enterprise fitted with in the episode "The Expanse“? Answer
Photonic torpedoes According to Lieutenant Reed the new torpedoes have a range over 50 times greater than their conventional counterparts Back To Board
What area of Earth is attacked at the beginning of the episode "The Expanse”? Answer
Florida and Venezuela Commander Tucker's sister, who lived in Florida, was killed during the attack Back To Board
What alien species attacks Earth in the season 2 finale? Answer
Xindi The Xindi attack killed seven million people Back To Board
The episode "Twilight" opened with what powerful scene? Answer
The destruction of Earth The destruction of Earth was later prevented with intervention from the future Back To Board
Worf's father is Mogh, what is the name of Mogh's father? Answer
Worf Mogh's father, Colonel Worf, defended Kirk and McCoy when they were charged with the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon in 2293 Back To Board
Whose body did Voyager’s Doctor once occupy? Answer
Seven of Nine The doctor was afraid of being caught, so he occupied Seven's body using her cortical implant Back To Board
Who was the first Vulcan to graduate at the top of the class at Starfleet Academy? Answer
Valeris In "Star Trek VI", Spock mentions that Lt. Valeris (Kim Catrall) is the first Vulcan to achieve the feat... KIRK: "You must be very proud." VALERIS: "I do not believe so, sir." MCCOY: "She's a Vulcan, all right" Back To Board
Who was the first captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise N.C.C.-1701? Answer
Captain Robert April Robert April preceded Christopher Pike who preceded Kirk Back To Board
Who becomes the first human to fly a vessel at transwarp speeds? Answer
Tom Paris Tom Paris is established in "Threshold" to have flown the Shuttlecraft Cochrane beyond the warp 10 threshold (transwarp). Paris attained an infinite velocity, thus occupying every point in space Back To Board
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Which Enterprise captain has a pet dog named Porthos? Answer
Johnathan Archer Porthos is the first pet to be had by an Enterprise captain Finish
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