8 th grade WWII
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 What does Blitzkreig mean? Lightning war
1,2 What was the Manhattan Project? A plan for developing a nuclear bomb.
1,3 Who were the Axis Powers? Italy, Germany, Japan
1,4 Who were the Allied Powers? Great Britain, U.S., France
2,1 A form of government that is built on extreme nationalism is called….. Facism
2,2 Strategy used by Douglas MacArthur in the Pacific. Island hopping
2,3 What was the reason for the Nuremberg trials? To show that people (Hitler’s commanders) are responsible for their actions.
2,4 What event caused the U.S. to get involved in the war? The attack on Pearl Harbor
3,1 What two cities were bombed in Japan? Nagasaki and Hiroshima
3,2 Which country had a strong economy and military at the end of the war? The U.S.
3,3 What and where was D-Day? The invasion at Normandy, France by Great Britain, U.S., and Canada
3,4 Who signed the Non-aggression Pact and why? Russia and Germany. They agreed not to attack each other and to split up Poland.
4,1 What event started WWII? Germany invading Poland
4,2 Who was Benito Mussolini? A leader/dictator of Italy
4,3 Who were the WASPS and WACS WASPS were women pilots who flew planes for the U.S. and WACS were women nurses/clerks
5,1 Camps used by the U.S. in response to Pearl Harbor What were interment camps.
5,2 Who was Joseph Stalin? Communist leader/dictator of the Soviet Union
5,3 Who was Dwight Eisenhower? Commanded U.S. troops in Africa and Europe
5,4 Who was Douglas MacArthur? He was the Allied commander in the Pacific (Philippines and Australia)