Jenny Nominni & Rusty Krumm Vocational Specialists February21, 2013
Partnership program between SDCCD and DOR Serves students with disabilities attending classes at any of the 9 SDCCD locations ◦ Mesa, City, Miramar, 6 Continuing Education Sites Provides comprehensive career counseling services Individualized one on one counseling Goal is to give students the tools needed to be successfully and independently employed
3 Requirements ◦ Must have an open case with the DOR ◦ Must be enrolled in at least 1 course within SDCCD ◦ Must be motivated to find employment
Career Exploration: online interest assessments, job shadows, and informational interviews Employment Preparation: master employment application, resume writing, online resources, job leads, mock interviewing, interview attire, employer outreach Vocational Experience: Combination of education and work experience-internships, volunteer, or paid experience
Worksite Monitoring: job retention strategies, time management, stress reduction techniques, communication with employer Accommodations: on the job worksite accommodation evaluations, advocate for accommodations
Program Coordinator ◦ Jamila DeCarli, M.S. Vocational Specialists ◦ Rusty Krumm, M.S. ◦ Isabelle Martin, M.S. ◦ Jenny Nominni, M.S. CRC, Specialization in Deafness ◦ Kaveh Bahraini, Specialization in Psychiatric Disabilities ◦ Christina Key, Specialization in Cognitive Disabilities ◦ Stephanie Leuer, M.S. Graduate Student Interns ◦ Marita Beiner, Specialization in Psychiatric Disabilities
Students who are motivated to find work Students who meet regularly with counselor ◦ Partnership between the vocational specialist and the student Students who are in regular communication with counselor ◦ Phone ◦ Students who combine academics with work experience
Make sure the student gets connected with Department of Rehabilitation early Talk about employment and postsecondary education options early Set up campus visits Know and discuss the difference between the supports received in high school vs. college Encourage a healthy combination of both school and work High but realistic expectations: promote career development, personal discovery, and independence Mobility training