THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Mark P. McDonald Harvard Business Review Press Twitter: markpmcdonald
A quick poll How effective is your organization in using social media to achieve meaningful purpose? Has your organization applied social media beyond marketing? Has your organization repeatedly applied social media for success? What role do you want to play in your organization? The Social Organization Webinar 2
Why this book? Despite the number of books published on social media, there is still a significant hole. And that is, how, as an organization you actually do it? How do you identify, catalyze, empower and derive value from a community? How do you, as a leader and manager, help your organization build competency in using social media to foster production collaboration – with our customers your clients, your employees and other along your value chain? Page IX, Kindle Location 73 The Social Organization Webinar 3
Convince Me ! Social Media … does not deliver real business value wastes a lot of employee time. presents an unacceptable risk, security and IP happens on its own, so what can I do does not have a business justification only works for ‘altruistic’ causes, not business Page 3, Kindle Location 150 The Social Organization Webinar 4
A Social Organization resolves the fundamental tensions in social media. Participation Collective Transparency Independence Persistence Emergence Participation Collective Transparency Independence Persistence Emergence Page 13 Task Force Assignment Security Prescriptive Ad Hoc Determinism Page 27 The Social Organization Webinar 5
Tension between collaboration and control All managers will need to reconcile the tension between their continuing responsibility for outcomes with their in ability to mandate or control what a collaborative community will product. “Now that we’ve has done it this way … we will never go back to the old way.” Miguel Lozano, CEMEX. Page 24, Kindle Location 483 The Social Organization Webinar 6
Social Media and the Crowd The Social Organization Webinar 7
Social Organization and Purpose The Social Organization Webinar 8
Mass Collaboration is the goal Social Media Community Purpose Mass Collaboration Page 10, Kindle Location 252 The Social Organization Webinar 9
The Fundamental Cycle of Collaboration Change ContributionFeedbackJudgment Purpose Community Collaboration Cycle Attention Receives Builds Creates Encourages Results The Social Organization Webinar 10
Enable Mass Collaboration Behaviors Expertise Location Finding the right people regardless of where they Flash Coordination Swat Teams for Complex Customer Service Emergent Structures Building an understanding of how things work in reality Interest Cultivation Bringing together birds of a feather Relationship Leverage Reaching the masses interactively Collective Intelligence All of us are smarter than any one of us The Social Organization Webinar 11
The Social Organization Webinar 12
Page 121, Kindle Location 2002 The Social Organization Webinar 13
Page 121, Kindle Location 2002 The Social Organization Webinar 14
Success in Social Media Just enough structure … … Not for the Community But for the Company ! The Social Organization Webinar 15
How do you become a Social Organization? Becoming a social organization requires a strategic approach, deliberate choice, and steadfast intention as the organization proceeds through an evolution of thinking and skills based on actually using collaborative communities to achieve tangible benefits. Page 24, Kindle Location 483 The Social Organization Webinar 16
Social Organization Approach Refine Purpose GuideLaunch The Social Organization Webinar 17
Establishing a vision for mass collaboration. Contribution Community Ideas Purpose The Social Organization Webinar 18
Organizational Strategy Community Purpose Connection Content The Social Organization Webinar 19
Purpose matters Participation — Mobilizing a community to contribute Collective — Participants 'collect' voluntarily around a unifying purpose Transparency — All participants see each others contributions Independence — Collaboration no matter where they are or whoever they are Persistence — Contributions captured for all to share and augment Emergence — Recognizes that solutions come from within the community and cannot be predefined. This allows communities to come up with new ways of working or new solutions. The Social Organization Webinar 20
Purpose Matters Why you volunteer your time, experience, attention, energy, ideas ! Why the organization seeks to support social media ! Purpose Statement The Social Organization Webinar 21
Launching a Community one at a time The Social Organization Webinar 22
Launching a Collaborative Community SeedBlitzSustain Participation Time Early adopters Initial content Refine functionality Solution beta Viral growth User generated content Purpose roadmap Emergence “Tipping Point” The Social Organization Webinar 23
Social Technology Capabilities Social networking Wiki Blogs Microblogs Treaded discussions Social feedback Social publishing Social networking Wiki Blogs Microblogs Treaded discussions Social feedback Social publishing Idea engine Prediction market Crowdsourcing Answer marketplace Web reputation Viral campaign Social learning Idea engine Prediction market Crowdsourcing Answer marketplace Web reputation Viral campaign Social learning Alerts Tagging, badging Social analytics Subscriptions Social status Mobile Context aware Alerts Tagging, badging Social analytics Subscriptions Social status Mobile Context aware GeneralSpecializedSupporting Page 112, Kindle Location 1864 The Social Organization Webinar 24
Person to Person Architecture The Social Organization Webinar 25
Guide the Community Adapt the Organization The Social Organization Webinar 26
Guide Don't Try to Prescribe or Control Participation Purpose Performance Collaborative Community Value Creation Organizational Connection Collaborative Community Chapters 8. 9, & 10 The Social Organization Webinar 27
What is your level of social readiness? Flippant Fearful Folly Forging Formulating Fusing The Social Organization Webinar 28
The Social Organization Book is Social Twitter Hash Tag: #TheSocialOrg Anthony Facebook Page: The Social Organization Blogs: Harvard Business Review: Anthony Bradley and Mark McDonald Gartner Blogger Network Anthony Bradley Mark McDonald The Social Organization Webinar 29
Becoming a Social Organization Assess your social media readiness Find a compelling purpose Bottom Up from the Grass Roots From your Strategy Describe ‘just enough structure’ Give this book to your boss so they can how to be a social organization. The Social Organization Webinar 30
Questions The Social Organization Webinar 31
THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Mark P. McDonald Harvard Business Review Press Twitter: markpmcdonald