Chapter 10: Organizational Attitudes and Behavior Learning Objectives • Explain the organizational attitudes of job satisfaction, job involvement, and work commitment. • Understand the concept of organizational justice. • Understand the concept of organizational citizenship behavior and its relationship to other concepts. • Understand the concept of the psychological contract in employment and its changing nature. • Understand the concept of organizational politics. • Understand the basis of organizational deviance.
Chapter Summary • Individuals in an organizational context develop attitudes and exhibit behaviors associated with their participation in the organization. • Job satisfaction is one of the most frequently studied organizational attitudes. How much people like their jobs is associated with both their individual personalities and the objective characteristics of the work they perform. • The concept of organizational justice explains why employees want a sense of fairness associated with their employment. Organizational justice manifests itself in three forms: distributive, procedural, and interactional. • The actions of employees in going beyond their formal job duties and responsibilities to contribute to the welfare of the organization are called organizational citizenship behaviors. • The psychological contract is the exchange relationship between the individual and the organization. Although unwritten, it is based on the expectations each party has of itself and of the other party. • Violations of the psychological contract (i.e., when one party has not lived up to the expectations of the other) result in a wide range of behaviors that often distance the two parties in the relationship.
Chapter Summary (continued) • The various behavioral tactics that individuals within an organizational context use to enhance their self-interests represent organizational politics. • Organizationally deviant behavior in the workplace includes insults, threats, bullying, lies, theft, sabotage, physical violence, and occupational homicide. • Workplace homicide, the most severe form of antisocial behavior, results in nearly 1,000 murders of workers in the United States every year.