LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION found in the living world
LEVELS of ORGANIZATION ATOMS smallest component of an element fundamental building blocks EXAMPLES: Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen
MOLECULES a group of atoms bonded together
CELLS the smallest unit of life
TISSUES groups of cells working together; specialized cells with a common function
LEVELS of ORGANIZATION ORGANS functional groups of tissues mals/fish/hammerhead-shark/
ORGAN SYSTEM related groups of organs
ORGANISM a living entity; an individual
ORGANISM a living entity; an individual POPULATION a group of related organisms; same species EXAMPLES: Aptenodytes forsteri (Emperor Penguin)
LEVELS of ORGANIZATION COMMUNITY all of the living organisms in an environment ECOSYSTEM all of the biotic and abiotic factors in an environment COMMUNITY - penguins - fish - seals - coral ECOSYSTEM - penguins - water - fish - rocks - seals - air - coral
LEVELS of ORGANIZATION BIOME a collection of ecosystems with similar climates BIOSPHERE all of the collected biomes; the Earth EXAMPLES: tundra, rainforest, chaparral, grassland
ATOMSsmallest component of an element MOLECULESgroups of atoms bonded together CELLSsmallest unit of life TISSUESgroups of cells ORGANSfunctional groups of tissues ORGAN SYSTEMSrelated groups of organs ORGANISMa living entity POPULATIONa group of same living organisms COMMUNITYall organisms in an environment ECOSYSTEMbiotic & abiotic in an environment BIOMEgroup of ecosystems BIOSPHEREall of the biomes