W3 State Work Organization Annual Plan Template Purpose: To provide a format for documenting your annual plan that is shared with Senior Leaders for their approval. Italicized words are directions and need to be deleted when you create your plan.
Goal {work organization} will implement the Washington Wellness Worksite criteria in order to provide measureable improvement in employee health and health-related performance.
Our Success Will Be Measured By Select up to five objectives based on your employee data. One or two objectives need to be a percent improvement in a behavior related to physical activity OR healthy eating OR living tobacco free OR getting preventive care screening. Contact Sara Eve Sarliker at for assistance.
Example of Measure of Success By December 2012, there will be a 5% increase in the number of employees who get 150 minutes or more of moderate physical activity.
How We Expect to Achieve Success List actions your work organization needs to take to achieve the measures of success and reach the goal. One suggestion is to use the W3 criteria as a planning guide to determine the actions. The next slide provides an example.
Using the W3 Criteria to Plan Success measure: Increasing physical activity. Culture of Health-what do we need our managers to do? Understand Our Population-how can we use this data to plan activities? Linking to Community-what does the community have to offer to support our employees in increasing physical activity?
Using the W3 Criteria to Plan Wellness Activities-What worksite activities do we want to do this year to support employees in increasing physical activity? Use Information and Measurement-How will we measure each of our actions to see if progress is being made? How will we measure the percent increase in physical activity? What best practices are available for us to use?
Using the W3 Criteria to Plan Work Environment-Do we need to develop or review our policies around physical activity? Do our worksites provide support for employees to be physically active, such as well-let stairwells or bike racks? Does our committee structure help us meet our goal? Engage Employees-How do we communicate with employees throughout the year about this? How do we find out what their interests are? How do we invite them in work together on this issue? What incentives do we need?
Resource Needs Awards and Incentives - $$ Speaker Fees - $$ Equipment - $$ Supplies/Materials - $$ FTEs – optional—could list approximate hours per week or month; include all committee members
Reporting Progress Define how often you will check back with the management team to report progress Define how often you will communicate with employees to report progress