Greater Washington Board of Trade Sustainability Survey Released April 21, 2010
Q1 &Q2: How important is “Green” to your company/organization? VERY IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT Two Years Ago Today
Q3: In the next six months to one year, do you anticipate “Green” becoming more or less of a commitment by your company’s organization? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% MORE 50.0% MUCH MORE 24.5% NO CHANGE 24.5% LESS 1.0%
Q4: What impact has the recession had on your spending for “Green” initiatives? NO CHANGE IN SPENDING 61.4% DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% INCREASED SPENDING 13.5% NOT APPLICABLE 5.8%
Q5: Over the next six months, what are your spending plans for “Green”? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% DECREASED SPENDING 2.9% NOT APPLICABLE 5.3% NO CHANGE IN SPENDING 53.1% INCREASED SPENDING 38.8%
Q6: How do you see business opportunities for your company/organization in “Green” growing in the next six months? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% GROWING SOMEWHAT STRONGER 53.6% GROWING MUCH STRONGER 22.0% NO CHANGE 23.4% GROWING WEAKER 1.0%
Q7: Since the recession started, has your company’s spending on internal green initiatives increased, decreased, or stayed the same? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% DECREASED 4.8% STAYED THE SAME 54.8% INCREASED 40.4%
Q8: Have you personally increased or decreased your green commitment during the past year? DECREASED 0.5% NO CHANGE 38.8% INCREASED 60.7%
Q9: Are your company/organization’s employees increasing or decreasing their call for “Green” corporate commitment and sustainability initiatives? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% INCREASING 66.2% DECREASING 4.4% STAYED THE SAME 29.4%
Q10: Over the past year, have your clients/customers inquired about your company’s/organization’s commitment to “Green”? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% OFTEN 42.7% NO CHANGE 25.7% NEVER 5.3% VERY OFTEN 14.1% ALMOST NEVER 12.1%
Q11: In the next year, do you anticipate your clients/customers demanding more of a “Green” commitment from your company/organization? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% YES, SOMEWHAT 29.7% YES, ABSOLUTELY 29.7% NOT SURE 18.2% NOT TOO MUCH 8.6% NOT AT ALL 4.3%
Q12: Has your company/organization established a sustainability task force and/or assigned a sustainability point person? DECREASED SPENDING 19.3% YES 73.9% NO 21.6%