Definitions Open Source (free tools and free content) Searching (is google a verb?) Reliability (experts v. crowd) Bookmarking and Tagging RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Copyright and Creative Commons
A metaphor A kind of computing – SaaS
The new version of the Web My current version of Internet Explorer is IE This is referring to significant changes in the way the internet operates Not just a pathway for communication and trading information A workspace A data center A desktop that is accessible from anywhere
Tagging is naming and describing Tagging is related to meta data – behind the scenes organization Tagging is the “new” folder Tagging let’s you put your document in the equivalent of many folders at one time
Open=Free and Accessible Source=Code Source Who Cares? Microsoft, Google, and Me Open Source is not just about showing code. It is a philosophy that insists that this code must remain open for others to see, build upon and distribute without discrimination against persons, groups, or fields of endeavor.
Let’s talk about Open Source and Open Content for a few more minutes Who is Microsoft’s biggest competitor? The competition is the Cloud. 1.Operating systems - Ubuntu 2.Office packages – Open Office, Google Apps 3. Image manipulation – Gimp
We have been talking about Open Source Software. Now let’s talk about Open Content or Open Education. Online Distance Education has led to a reassessment of access to education and leading to what has been termed Open Educational Resources (OER)
Educause books - Online Educational Resources Merlot Curriki Connexions - / / Wikiversity - en.wikiversity.orghttp://
MIT offers 1,800 courses online. You may access and enjoy an MIT education for free. (You don’t get a degree) Try Physics for example: Web/Physics/8-01Physics- IFall1999/VideoLectures/d etail/embed11.htm Web/Physics/8-01Physics- IFall1999/VideoLectures/d etail/embed11.htm
Nicholas Negroponte’s world shaking idea. The $100 computer
Find an example of Open Source Software Services Content
Research-Quality Web Searching Search Google effectively and precisely Know when to use other search engines and web directories Evaluate what you find on the web Googl ing Is this a verb?
Before you search: “Crawls” pages on the public web Copies text & images, builds database When you search: Automatically ranks pages in your results Word occurrence and location on page Popularity - a link to a page is a vote for it ~ 200 factors in all!
Think “full text” = be specific war of 1812 economic causes vs. history Use academic & professional terms domestic architecture vs. houses genome society gets International Mammalian Genome Society also try combinations with association, research center, institute, directory, database
Specify exact phrases with quotes “” “tom bates” “what you're looking for is already inside you” Exclude or require a word proliferation -nuclear obama +hussein
Web page title intitle:hybrid allintitle:hybrid cars mileage Website or domain “global warming” site:edu “global warming”
File type filetype:ppt site:edu “global warming” Definitions define:pixel define:“due diligence”
Search box (use to modify) “Cache” “Related pages” “Translate this page”
Search more of the web Yahoo! Yahoo! Get more options Exalead Exalead
Librarians’ Internet Index InfoMine Librarians’ Internet Index InfoMine Google Custom Search Engines (CSE) Google Custom Search Engines (CSE)
Go to Google and do a search using some of the feature described in the last few slides. Go to the Librarians ‘ Internet Index and do a search on the same topic. Go to Merlot and do another search on the same topic.
Anyone can put up a web page Many pages not updated No quality control most sites not “peer-reviewed” less trustworthy than scholarly publications
Look at the URL - personal page or site ? ~ or % or users or members Domain name appropriate for the content ? Restricted: edu, gov, mil, a few country codes (ca) Unrestricted: com, org, net, most country codes (us, uk) Published by an entity that makes sense ? News from its source? Advice from valid agency?
Can you tell who wrote it ? name of page author organization, institution, agency you recognize Credentials for the subject matter ? Look for links to: “About us” “Philosophy” “Background” “Biography” Is it recent or current enough ? Look for “last updated” date
Text possibly forged ? why not a link to published version ? Sources documented with links, footnotes, etc.? do the links work ? Evidence of bias in text or sources ?
Search the URL in Click on “Overview” Who links to the site? Who owns the domain? What did the site look like in the past? (Wayback Machine)
Which blogs link to it? What do they say? Try the URL in Google Blog SearchGoogle Blog Search See what links are in Google’s “Similar pages” Look up the page author in Google
Was the page put on the web to inform ? persuade ? sell ? as a parody or satire ? Is it appropriate for your purpose?
All that said, who do we trust? The Encyclopedia Britannica is written by experts Wikipedia is written by the crowd. Which is better? BBC says Wiki What Wiki says What others say
Do one of the following: Which one is the real website of the World Trade Organization? World Trade Organization World Trade Organization Which one is the real website of the White House Do a search using Google, then Yahoo and compare the difference.
We defined tagging earlier. Now let’s look at it a little further.
Create a free account on delicious This one is called TrendsandIssues The Password is trends12
+ word you want to search for depression The social aspect of this process is what gives this the term folksonomy.
This is the symbol that identifies a site that can be tracked using an RSS reader. My Google Reader
The creator of an original work owns the rights automatically. Fair use is permissible automatically for education, review, satire, or journalism. (Fair use does not include redistribution of large quantities of an original work, especially on the internet.)
A little primer on copyright issues for the internet age is available at Creative Commons. Creative Commons is a non-profit organization working to assist both philosophically and practically to deal with the concerns of attribution and media sharing in today's world.Creative Commons Licenses