Definition of Information System INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT An information system can be defined as set of coordinated network of components which act together towards producing, distributing and/or processing information An information factor of computer based information system is precision, which may not apply to other types of systems
Definition of System INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT A system may have following features: 1)ADAPTABILITY- some systems are adaptive to the exterior environment, while some systems are non-adaptive to the external environment 2) LIMITATION- every system has pre-defined limits within which it operates. This limit can be defined by law/current state of technology
OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEM INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT The purpose of the operation support system is to facilitate business transaction, control production, support internal as well as external communication and update organization central database The operation support system is further divided into a transaction-processing system, processing control system and enterprise collaboration system
TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM (TPS) INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT In manufacturing organization, there are several types of transaction across dept. Sales, account, finance, engineering, human resource, marketing Across which following transaction may occur sales order, sales return, cash receipts, credit sales, etc So, transaction processing system will categorize every transaction into sections
PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT In a manufacturing organization, certain decisions are made by a computer system without any manual intervention In this type of system, critical information is fed to the system on a real-time basis, thereby enabling process control
ENTERPRISE COLLABORATION SYSTEM INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT In recent times, there is more stress on team effort/collaboration across different functional teams A system which enables collaborative effort by improving communication and sharing of data is referred to as an enterprise collaboration system
SYSTEMS AND INNOVATION OPPORTUNITIES INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT Development in information systems has brought opportunities but also threats Organization needs to develop strategies, which can best utilize information systems to increase overall productivity
SYSTEMS AND CUSTOMER DELIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT Organizations are fully aware that proliferation of information system has reduced product life cycle, reduced margin and brought in new products In such scenario, customer satisfaction is not enough, organization needs to strive for customer delight Information systems with data warehousing and analytics capability can help organization collect customer feedback and develop products, which exceed customer expectation This customer delight will lead to a loyal customer base and brand ambassador
SYSTEMS AND ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT Organizations require different types of information systems to mitigate distinctive process and requirements Efficient business transaction systems make organization productive Business transaction systems ensure that routine process are captured and acted upon effectively (sales transaction, cash transaction, payroll, etc) Information systems are required for executive decision Top leadership requires precise internal and external information to devise a strategy for organization Decision support systems are designed to execute this exact function
SYSTEMS AND WORKERS PRODUCTIVITY INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT Information systems have facilitated the increase in workers’ productivity With introduction to , video conferencing, etc, collaboration across organization and dept have increased This increased collaboration ensures smooth execution and implementation of various projects across geographies and locations
INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS A VALUE ADD FOR ORGANIZATION INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT Organization use information systems to achieve its various strategy as well as short-term and long-term goals Development of information systems was to improve productivity and business effectiveness of organization Success of information systems is highly dependent on the prevalent organization structure, management style and overall organization environment
INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS A VALUE ADD FOR ORGANIZATION INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MANAGEMENT With correct development, deployment and usage of information systems, organization can achieve lower costs, improved productivity, etc Readiness of workers into accepting the information system is the key in realizing the full potential of them Development and deployment of information systems have revolutionized the way business is conducted