Strategy Anne Asserson euroCRIS board meeting Brussels 15. september 2010
euroCRIS Strategic Plan Identity Mission Key Objectives Initiatives 2011
Identity euroCRIS is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the development of Research Information Systems and their interoperability.
Mission euroCRIS is established to be the internationally recognized point of reference for all matters relating to CRIS: Current Research Information Systems.
Key Objectives Achieving universal recognition for the necessity and utility of CRIS Achieving universal recognition of the desirability of interoperating CRIS, and interoperating CRIS with other relevant systems Achieving universal utilisation of (the evolving) CERIF standard for CRIS and for CRIS interoperation
Initiatives 2011 Regular Initiatives of euroCRIS: Biannual members meetings Annual strategic seminar Biennial CRIS conference (even years) Task Group meetings as required Board meetings 4 times per year Particular Initiatives of euroCRIS for 2011: Submission of proposals and participation in EC-funded projects relevant to CRIS Further development of website especially with Web2.0 features for discussion fora and further content Setting up a CERIF certification mechanism (like W3C approved web pages) Further development of CERIF especially in the area of finance Consideration of development of CERIF for education (student) information as well as research Strengthening relationships with strategic partners and increasing partnerships Setting up mechanisms for dialogue with regions outside the European context
Particular Initiatives of euroCRIS for 2011 Projects Website CERIF certification Further development of CERIF –finance –education (student) information Partners New countries / regions (Balkan …..)