Vladimir A. Stroh, Ekaterina S. Iskandarova National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russia
Background Mergers and acquisitions is one of the most complicated forms of innovation management. It occurs in the context of various strategies and can influence different levels of organization. 2
Organizational commitment is a psychological state which describes the strength of relationship between an employee and an organization and reveals as desire to remain a part of the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1991) affective commitment continual commitment normative commitment 3
Empirical study The study was conducted on the base of two telecommunication companies integration process ( ), as a result of which the «Beeline» company has acquired 100% shares of the «Golden telecom» company. 4
Empirical study Three measurements of the organizational commitment has been made on the same sample (N=120, 60 persons from the each company) during six months. 5
Empirical study Allen and Meyer's Organizational Commitment Scale and semi- structured interview with the top- managers of both companies were used. Measurements were made on every stage of the integration process. 6
Conceptual design of study Legenda: B – “Beeline” and G – “Goldentelecom” B G G B B B 7
Results Continual commitment 8
Results Normative commitment 9
Results Affective commitment 10
Conclusions Our study enabled to establish some consistent patterns in dynamics of organizational commitment level during the process of companies’ integration. It provides some base for working out special programs of psychological support of the personnel during mergers and acquisitions processes. 11
Thank you for your attention! 12