“Realignment and Vision” National Ski Patrol “Realignment and Vision” Summer 2014
Thank you for the invitation My name is Jim Woodrum We also have several others from the NSP National Leadership here:
Introductions: Darcy Hanley: NSP Education Director Janet Glaeser: National Board Member John Thomas: Your Division Director BrianCobble: Former Division Director, NB Candidate Bill Sinykin: InterMountain Division Director, NB Candidate Chuck Martschinke, Former Division Director Jay Zedak: National OET Program Director Tom Worley: Assistant National OET Program Director Linda Barthel: National Women’s Program Director Mike Husar: National Safety Committee Leader and Powder Fall Committee Sue Hayes: Powder Fall Committee Dana Zedak: National Fund Raising Committee
Today's Presentation Part One: where is the memberships National Organization going! Part Two: The Joint Statement of Understanding with NSAA and other impactors on ski patrols and patrollers. To get started a little history challenge and our National Leaders will help me.
History of the National Ski Patrol Proud United States and ski industry heritage, 76 years of service Founded in 1938 by Charles Minot Dole Dole lobbied U.S. Army to create Americas first ski troops for WWII; established 10th Mountain Division The NSP was the only civilian organization authorized to screen and recruit applicants for the military Original patrollers founded several ski areas including Aspen and Vail. In 1980, the NSP was granted a federal charter by the U.S. Congress. John-Familiarization, proud past, Humanitarian aid
The National Ski Patrol Today 2013, 75th anniversary 30,000+ members (including patrollers & mountain hosts) 600 patrols in 10 geographic divisions; one professional division. NSP members promote safety in outdoor recreation The majority of patrollers work as volunteers, offering their time and expertise at no charge to improve the experience of outdoor recreationists. John
Status as of 1/1/14 Solving immediate NSP needs Numerous action items Gap in leadership A need to develop a vision and draft a plan to move NSP forward A bit of chaos at the National level
New Executive Director: John McMahon in Jan. 2014 John initiated a study on what was needed in the NSP. He examined feedback from National Staff, Division Directors, Members, the Board, Industry Partners, etc. Using that feedback, he presented a plan to the National Board in the June 2014 Annual Meeting The remainder of this presentation will highlight some of that data
Staff feedback: Information Technology: Phone system/protocol: overly customized iMIS system creating on-going “bugs” to system, inconsistent data entry, limited iMIS training, in-ability to easily pull reports Phone system/protocol: Over demand of winter call volume due to “bugs” in IT, call routing inefficiency, and over use of national number to handle division question Establishing clearer job duties and procedures at the National Office: Lack of consistent protocols and procedures to duties Strategic vs. Tactical: Need for strategic vision and goals Roles of staff vs. board “day to day” vs. long term vision
Division/Member Feedback: Develop strategic plan Fix the NSP Database and IT systems, Improve web content Develop stronger/clearer relationship with National EMS Strong & positive action against members that harm/disrupt organization Continue to increase board efficiency, lead by example, stop infighting
Division/Member Feedback cont… Develop new Revenue Streams National immunity for patrollers Education Easier resource access for instructors Complete Outdoor First Care course Enhance programs to become “best of class” Measure programs and delivery, optimize dollars invested
Industry Partner Insights: (NSAA,PSIA,others) Thankful for volunteers and efforts Believe we are engaged with customers Can be useful part of industry solution Build/credential chair evacuation Relook at the Mountain Host Program Workers Comp, Health care coverage
Industry Partner Insights cont… Keep NSP training in sync with what is needed at local area Keep up with trends industry/lifestyle of customers National vs. local issue Tendency to create drama, infighting: get your house in order!
Strategic Plan Process: Examine the NSP Mission: What are the Challenges to the NSP: Industry Trends: Lifestyle Trends: Environmental/Threats
Mission Statement The National Ski Patrol is a member-driven professional organization of registered ski patrols striving to be recognized as the premier provider of training and education programs for emergency rescuers serving the outdoor recreation community. To meet that goal, and promote the safe enjoyment of snow sport enthusiasts, NSP supports its members through accredited education and training in leadership, outdoor emergency care, safety programs and transportation services. Core Values Excellence, Service, Camaraderie, Leadership, Integrity
Challenges In-Direct EMT’s (including Wilderness) Comparison’s Professional Patrols (APP) FIPS (International) Other Non NSP Patrols Ski Industry Partners NSAA, PSIA, SIA Other similar non profits American Red Cross
Industry Trends Aging industry leadership phasing out, new era emerging New ski area ownership Resorts focusing more on guest experience Ski areas becoming more year-round focused: Mt Bike, Ropes courses, slides, golf, ziplines, etc.
Lifestyle Trends Frustrations with Lack of a Work/Life Balance, simpler life Blooming Social Needs Skilled volunteerism Lifetime Learning Importance of Home and Community Health, Self Improvement, Fitness, Eating Right
Environment/Threats Diminished NSP Relevancy Cost to patrollers outweighing benefits of volunteering Misunderstanding of JSOU between patrol/NSAA/ski areas Worker’s comp, healthcare coverage for volunteers Ski Area Mountain Host programs Inadequate services for NSP members: (IT, Education, web)
Primary Strategy of the NSP: Elevate NSP’s Relevancy to: Membership Ski Resort/Areas General Public
Elements to support: Rekindle “spirit” of organization Develop and follow strategic plan Strive to be “best in category” Provide required level of IT services Provide appropriate level of education and programs Increase revenue streams Increase membership
Elements to support cont.. Increase effectiveness of communications to members Increase team (staff) effectiveness Develop accountability and measurable performance goals Build stronger collaboration with industry partners Improve committee function utilizing NSP stakeholder expertise Increase understanding of JSOU Elevate leadership role
NSP Office chart
NSP National Office Organizational Chart June 1, 2014 John McMahon Executive Director Carol Hudson Administrative Coordinator Tricia Burns Executive Assistant Jack Donahue IT Support Joanne Galko Finance Dir. Darcy Hanley Education Dir. Cheri Overston Dir. Of Memb Regis. & Awards Candace Horgan Communication Dir. Melanie Hood Marketing & Dev. Dir. Josh Jacobson Product Sales Manager Kate Peine Accountant Jill Bjerke Education Assistant Jen Miller Members Services Manager Cara Crowley Marketing Coordinator Rob Wilcox Warehouse Supervisor Rachel Crane Merchandising & Event Planner
Now, why do we do this?
Today’s Issues and the Impact on Patrollers/Patrols John Intro, myself, how run with panel, question at end
Key Topics Joint Statement of Understanding Insurance Coverage Releases Healthcare New Safety Initiatives Fundraising Importance of Nurturing fruitful relationships Future of NSP John-what we will cover, how long
Joint Statement of Understanding Paragraph 1: A patrol, once established at a given ski area, is under the supervision of the ski area management and must abide by the policies and procedures established by that management. John, 3 main areas-important to document what you want nsp to do (check fences, what do you need to look out on hill, who do we tell, what to do about it, be clear on expectations, who to report it to, what you would like for us to do about it, measure it, some people turn over completely to nsp…have to take control…not advocate responsibility turned over to patrol
Joint Statement of Understanding cont… Paragraph 4: NSP and NSAA recognize the importance of educating lift evacuation participants as to appropriate lift evacuation techniques and the specific implementation details in the ski area lift evacuation plan. The establishment of necessary policies and procedures for lift evacuation, lift evacuation training, and the selection of equipment to be used in conjunction with such evacuation or training is the sole responsibility of ski area management. Patrollers will participate in lift evacuation and lift evacuation training only as ski area management shall direct. John-you can delegate the work, but still responsible for procedures lye with owners that they can follow, your responsible, equipment, and if something that needs to be responsible to ownership, we can train whoever they want, others will take over if paid organization, NSAA is working on new ppt presentation (David), we can work with you to show new equipment
Joint Statement of Understanding cont… Paragraph 6: It is recognized that ski area management ultimately supervises and controls many of the patrolling activities of individual NSP members and NSP registration units at each ski area. As such, it may be asserted that the ski area bears legal responsibility for such acts of its patrollers. It is also understood and agreed that there are services provided by individual NSP members based upon their training received from NSP. John-need to have open relationship, important to ask input on risk of procedure, nsp can help understand or talk to insurance company, be consistent on training, what does this mean to you guys, challenge will be everyone will have different perspecitive, nsp under oec 5th editon
Insurance Coverage NSP provides insurance for its registered educational programs. The ski area provides general liability insurance coverage for volunteer patrollers if: They are acting at the direction of the Mountain While performing within scope of their duties Lawsuit have been brought against patroller’s. David
Releases NSP is working with NSAA on this issue as a good industry partner – seeking a fair and balanced solution Considerations: Inherent risks in sport ANYONE who gets season pass releases Patrollers in WORSE position than guest? Indemnification Provisions Releases from family members Health Insurance Workers Comp issues David-is david going get into secondary insurance
Healthcare NSP does support the concept that Patrollers should maintain individual health care policies. David-varied state to state, ski liberty article
New Safety Initiatives NSP National Safety Committee Currently working on Accident Investigation Manual “Your Responsibility Code” 50th Anniversary, which started in 1964-65, two year initiative Reckless Skiing / Collisions, Mountain Safety Patrol Mountain Hosts, sometimes referred to as Ambassadors, Yellow Jackets, Courtesy Staff, etc. David-blend in yesterdays session, role for safety ambassadors,
Fundraising NSP, its Divisions, Regions, and patrols perform fundraising to help generate funds to promote the mission of the NSP. Cover costs like OEC refreshers, training, patroller enhancement, etc Monies and items purchased by such fundraising remain the property of the entity and are maintained by its Divisions, Regions and Patrols Using non profit funds to purchase for profit equipment – insurance coverage issues JT-cover extra cost, enhancements, additional training, can buy training materials,
Importance of Nurturing Fruitful Relationship Mission of patrols is to provide safety, rescue or first aid care to customers Patrollers act as “Brand Ambassadors”, love to sell their mountains and engage heavily with potential customers When patrollers feel valued by area management, it transcends into stronger, positive customer interaction Fund raising and NSP events provides positive exposure of the ski area to the public Jim
Importance of Nurturing Fruitful Relationship Important for patrollers to understand area management expectations so they can work collaboratively towards meeting their needs Importance of OPEN Communication with Patrol The better a Region/Division is informed on area management needs, the better they can educate patrollers on fulfilling expectations Jim-
NSP in the Future Relevancy Partnership Resources Skilled Volunteerism Mountain Host Humanitarian Cause John-Thanks Wrap up with relevancy, working with NSAA/ski area partners, legal team, examples of mt host, skilled volunteerism, humanitarian cause
Thank You for your service! Questions Thank You for your service!