SOS Signs of Suicide
Suicide is less of a wish to die but more of an escape from pain. Message in the Bottle Suicide is less of a wish to die but more of an escape from pain. Suicide is a form of communication: healthy communication has broken down.
Risk Factors The first step in preventing suicide and self-injury is to identify and understand the risk factors Risk factors are not necessarily causes
Risk Factors Psychological, environmental, and social factors contribute Strongest risk factors in youth are depression, substance abuse, and previous attempts (NAMI, 2003) Leading risk factor is mental illness (Over 90% of children and adolescents who die by suicide have a least one major psychiatric disorder (Gould et al., 2003). Those with a prior attempt are 38% more likely to complete. We have to say “have you attempted before?”
Suicide: A Multi - Factorial Event Substance Use / Abuse Depression Personality Disorder / Traits Impulsiveness Life Stressors Suicide Psychiatric Illness Family History
Why do people want to end their lives Situations that might contribute to a feeling of hopelessness include: Break-ups Family problems Sexual, physical or mental abuse Drug or alcohol addiction Mental illness, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression The death of a loved one School or work problems Feeling like you don't belong anywhere Any problem that seems hopeless
Warning Signs Sending Out An SOS A warning sign is a indication that an individual may be experiencing depression or thoughts of suicide. Most individuals give warning signs or signals of their intentions. Where a risk factor is a predisposition to a problem, a warning sign is an indication that a problem already exists. Stay aware of changes in your students – in their affect, behavior, appearance, and attendance.
Warning Signs Sending Out An SOS Some examples of warning signs are: Changes in sleep or appetite Increased irritability Decreased interest in usual activities Grim or dark writings or drawings Giving away of possessions Increase in alcohol or drug use Isolation Displaying extreme mood swings
SOS Signs of Suicide Student Goals P E Educate students that suicide is not a normal response to stress, but rather a preventable tragedy Inform students of the risk associated with alcohol / drug use to cope with feelings Provide students with specific action steps to take if they are concerned about themselves or others Encourage peer-to-peer communication about the ACT help-seeking message
ACT Acknowledge Care Tell Acknowledge that you are seeing the signs of depression or suicide in friend and that it is serious Let your friend know you care about them and that you are concerned that he or she needs to help you cannot provide Tell a trusted adult that you are worried bout your friend Acknowledge Care Tell
Steps for Averting Suicide Do’s Don’ts Do learn the warning signs Don’t refuse to talk about it Do get involved & be available Don’t act shocked or outraged Do allow expression of feelings Don’t be sworn to secrecy Do show interest & support Don’t offer platitudes or glib answers Do get help from agencies & professionals Don’t “dare” a suicide person to commit suicide Do remove access to drugs and weapons Note: Not all children or teens show signs of fatigue or lack of energy when depressed. In some situations, a suicidal teen may actually have an increase of energy or happiness.
Free Suicide Prevention Smartphone Ap - Warning Signs associated with suicidal behavior - What to do if someone you know appears to be contemplating suicide - Access to Spanish language resources - Access to crisis lines specifically supporting military and veterans communities - Access to crisis lines specifically supporting LBGTQ communities
Frisco ISD Suicide Prevention Teacher Protocol Do not leave the student unattended Do not allow the student to go to the restroom Teacher or other faculty member will walk the student to a counselor or administrator If the teacher is unable to walk the student to the office, call the counselor or the administrator Call the counselor or administrator immediately if the student is not in your class when concern is identified
Hotline Numbers National Suicide Help Line: 1-800-784-2433, 1-800-273-8255 Texas Runaway Help Line: 1-800-392-3352 Teen Help Line: 972-233-TEEN, 972-233-8336 National Domestic Violence Help Line: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)