BAI HELPDESK Pressing your spacebar will take you through this presentation.
BAI HELPDESK Go to the BAI Website and click on Services and Support
BAI HELPDESK Now Click on the link for Help Desk
BAI HELPDESK From here you will log on using the Username and Password provided by BAI
BAI HELPDESK You come to the Help Desk Main Screen. Here you see all your open calls (if any are open) You can Add a new call You can view all Closed Calls You can go into Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
BAI HELPDESK To view an open call click on the text under subject. Here you will see all the technicians notes and any comments that you have added. You can also add to your call from here.
BAI HELPDESK Here you look under progress and solution and you see what the technician has added to the call. If you need to add more to this just click on modify and add to your question.
BAI HELPDESK This is where you should always come to respond to a question that BAI has asked you about your call. Anytime that BAI adds to the call it will send you an . Please do not respond to that . Once BAI has responded log back to the HelpDesk, open the call that is being worked on and ask or answer any questions here. If you respond to the it does not go to the HelpDesk and could be lost. To be sure that your call is taken care of as soon as possible always key in your comments, questions, or answers in the HelpDesk. This way both BAI and you have it logged for future reference. If you are calling please make sure that you have reference number in hand so that the technician can easily look up your call. Remember you can not edit text once it has been submitted.
BAI HELPDESK To modify the call just type in what you wish to say in the Description box and then click on submit.
BAI HELPDESK If you place your mouse over the little person icon you will see who your call is being serviced by.
BAI HELPDESK Adding a call To add a call click on the Add New Call link.
BAI HELPDESK Adding a call Fill out all the information with as much detail as possible. When complete click on Submit.
BAI HELPDESK Viewing Closed Calls Click on the List Closed Link From this link you will see all of your calls that have been closed Once a call is closed it can not be edited but it is not deleted. It will remain in the HelpDesk For ever.
BAI HELPDESK Viewing Closed Calls Click on the List Closed Link From this link you will see all of your calls that have been closed Click on any line under subject to view what was done to resolve that call.
BAI HELPDESK Using FAQ To go to FAQ just click on the Link for FAQ. You can click on a topic or search from this screen.
BAI HELPDESK Using FAQ You can click on a topic or search from this screen. Many answers to questions or problems you have should or will be in FAQ. You should always use this as your first line of defense.
BAI HELPDESK Searching FAQ There are two types of searches that you can do in FAQ. You can do a keyword search by typing in your word You can also click on the search link for more detail
BAI HELPDESK Detailed Search With this search you can limit your search. When done click on search.
BAI HELPDESK On the technician side we see all calls that are coming in. As soon as you submit your call the call is automatically assigned to a technician and an is sent to both you and your technician. Each time the call is modified you will also receive an letting you know this. Once the technician feels the call is resolved he/she will close the call and an will be sent to you. Once a call has been closed it can not be re-opened. A new call would have to be submitted. Please always submit a separate call for each incident. Remember that technicians are constantly checking the HelpDesk, all phone messages and s sent in without a tracking number will be moved to the bottom of the list.
BAI HELPDESK If your locality would like the ability to see all calls for your locality the HelpDesk can be customized for this. If you wish to have this customization please send David Bright an at This is a one time charge of With this customization you will be given a separate user id and password that would have the ability to view and modify any call from your locality. Localities with an IT staff may find this very useful for keeping up with calls that they may not be aware. It may also help from having two people ask the same question.
BAI HELPDESK Here is a screenshot of the helpdesk using the customized user. This user also has the ability to close calls.
BAI HELPDESK Using the Help Desk is a benefit to you and to us. You are now able to track the status of your call. You always know who is working on your call. You can go back and look at all your old calls, this is helpful when you run into the same problem again in the future. We are constantly adding questions to FAQ that come from users just like you. Once you have submitted your call and have obtained a reference number you will be contacted by your technical support person either through the HelpDesk or by Telephone. If you need to call BAI please make sure you have a valid Reference number in hand. Don’t forget about BAI forums
BAI HELPDESK How BAI handles your Calls. All calls are handled in the order that they are received. Only calls that BAI feels is an emergency will be placed at the top of list. The following are emergencies. AS/400 is Down There is a problem with Payroll There may be others but only BAI can make the decision on whether it is a valid Emergency. Once the call comes in the BAI technical support person will look at FAQ first to locate an answer to your question or problem. If the tech support person feels that he/she needs to speak with in person they will call you. All calls (with the exception of program quotes or program work already is progress) must go through tech support before being given to the programming department.
BAI HELPDESK Reminders: For fastest results always check the FAQ first. If your answer is not in the FAQ then key your call in the HelpDesk. Calls that come in without a reference number are placed at the bottom of the list. Always key your responses in the HelpDesk and not the that is sent to you. If you are having a problem using the HelpDesk let your tech support contact know ASAP and he/she will get with you as soon as they can and walk you through doing a call. Our plans with FAQ is to eventually have any possible problems or questions answered here. BAI always has classes going on at their location. (fill out the survey on the homepage and the training could be free). With the HelpDesk you can look up calls that have been closed and find out what was done the last time that this problem arose.