Roberto Carlos Moreno Martín-Bejarano Health and Disease DIET
GROUPS FOR THE HEALTH’S PROJECT (30th April) Anisakis Anorexia nerviosa Bulimia C á ncer de mama C á ncer de pr ó stata C á ncer de pulm ó n Cirrosis hep á tica C ó lera Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jacob Diabetes S í ndrome de Down Infarto agudo de miocardio Lepra Malaria Meningitis Obesidad Paranoia SIDA S í filis T é tanos Tuberculosis … cualquiera que te interese Homework Review
A) Diet and Health. Can I eat as Homer Simpson does?
Pay attention pleaseeeeeeeeeee!
How diet influenced human evolution?
B) Diet and Health. Diet and human evolution. Brain does consume 20% of total body energy How could hominides provide enough nutrients to their brains?
B) Diet and Health. Diet and human evolution. Fire discovery allowed easier asimmilation of nutrients
B) Diet and Health. Diet and human evolution. Access to bone marrow allowed longer migrations
B) Diet and Health. Diet and human evolution: Proves of better diets - Shorter digestive system -Teeth size reduction - Jaw morphology
Silence pleaseeeeeee!!!!
C) Diet and Health. Diet and human ecology. We need to become councious of our type of diet at every moment we eat!!!!
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. ACTIVITY Advantages and disadvantages of different diets.
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. VEGANISM It’s the same as being vegetarian??
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Cookie Diet
We will have to take some messures…
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Dukan Diet & Atkins Diet
Protein deprivation > muscle loss >uric acid Glucose deprivation > cetoacidosis
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Mediterranean Diet We are really lucky of living hereeeeeeee!
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Junk Food
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Body-building Nutrition
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Gluten-free diets
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. High-fiber food
D) Diet and Health. Types of Diet. Low residue diet
Print the document attached for Session 4 and bring it tomorrow! We will be working on Infecticious Disesases!!!