U3L2 Los Adjetivos Posesivos
Use possessive adjectives to express my, your, his, our, their..etc Possessive adjectives must: Agree in number with the nouns that follow them. That is…Singular and Plural agreement
Singular Possessive Adjectives MiNuestro(a) TuVuestro(a) Su
Singular Possessive Adjectives Mi My Nuestro(a) Our Tu Your Vuestro(a) Your (plural) Su His/ Her / Your(form.) Su Their / Your (plural)
Plural Possessive Adjectives MisNuestros(as) TusVuestros(as) Sus
Plural Possessive Adjectives Mis My Nuestros(as) Our Tus Your Vuestros(as) Your (plural) Sus His/Her/Your(form.) Sus Their / Your (plural)
All Possessive Adjectives Mi / MisNuestro(a) Nuestros(as) Tu / TusVuestro(a) Vuestros(as) Su / Sus
Ejemplos: Our This possessive adjective must also agree in gender with the noun that follows. »NuestroNuestros »NuestraNuestras Vuestro……same thing.
There are 4 forms of Our. It is a possessive adjective that agrees in number and gender with the noun that follows.
The noun that follows is the noun to match… Ej: –My grandmother –My grandparents –His father –His parents –Mi abuela –Mis abuelos –Su padre –Sus padres
Práctica Your (formal) aunts My uncle Our (girl) cousin Their brother Your (familiar) father Our sisters Your (Spain) grandparents Sus tías Mi tío Nuestra prima Su hermano Tu papá / padre Nuestras hermanas Vuestros abuelos
Your (fam.) uncle
Our sister
His dogs
Their grandfather
My (male) cousin
Your (Spain) aunt
Her family
Your (familiar) cat
Our mom
Your (formal) uncles
Our grandparents
My siblings(brothers/sisters)
Your (plural) dad
Your (fam.) parents
Their children
Our daughters