“Tweet That” Pre- Nursing Orientation Details
Disclaimer: 1. This may be too much fun 2. The handles/ usernames used in this presentation are simply for effect. If you wish to contact an advisor use the contact information at the end of this presentation Ready? Lets get started…
Tweets Are you excited to be a Buckeye? #BuckeyeBound #New2OSU #GetExcited #O-H 96% NCLEX passage rate!! Highest among Ohio public institutions #ThatIsRight #Success WOW! Did you know the College of Nursing is 100 years old? #Centennial #Tradition Have you heard about the TLC? Check out this video #Excellence #FakeVomitvideo
Tweets MollyPreNursing Pre- Nursing Orientation is on July 17 & 18! Let’s get ready #BuckeyeBound #New2OSU Get excited!! You will get a copy of your Autumn course schedule and navigate common terms #WhatIsRecitation College of Nursing uses the flipped classroom model #GetInvolved #PrepForOrientation #ReadYourMaterials #ThereWillBeA“Quiz” You will get to meet with an academic advisor in small peer groups during Orientation #GroupAdvising
Tweets MollyPreNursing Who knows what the SEVEN prerequisite courses are? #Biology #Chemistry #English #Psychology #Sociology #Anatomy #Physiology But first… I better take a selfie #NursingSelfie pic.twitter.com/AmYselFIe
Tweets Take the time to live a healthy lifestyle! #AdviceFromUpperClassmen #WorkOut #EatWell #YOGA pic.twitter.com/wElLNsS Worried about the college transition? NO will cover topics to help! #Resources #Application Have AP or Transfer credit? We will discuss this on DAY 2 of orientation. #SaveYourQuestions #WeWillCoverIt #HaveNoFear
Tweets Nursing Application will be available October 1, 2014… due January 15, 2015 #106days #StartEarly What do the Faculty review for the application? #OverallGPA #PreReqGPA #EssayQuestion #NothingElse RUMOR BLOCK!! Men don't have an advantage! The application process is led by faculty & is blind! They only see an ID number #Fair #DoYourBest Study hard! Pre- Nursing students must maintain a 3.2 GPA to stay in the major & apply to the program #GoToClass #HardWork #Ask4Help
Tweets Sounds like #CommonSense but GO TO CLASS and #BePresent #AdviceFromUpperClassmen Everyone should make a Plan B! It helps keep your nerves calm and show you other options #AdviceFromUpperClassmen MollyPreNursing The only advantage you can have is to do YOUR absolute best #StudyHard #TutoringRocks #YonkinSuccessCenter pic.twitter.com/SucESs
Tweets What is the real picture? In 2013 #363studentsApplied #166Accepted #3.7AverageGPA. This means only 46% of applicants are accepted #HonestTalk Wait… I better take a selfie #NursingSelfie pic.twitter.com/LoUIsRocKSselFIe
Tweets Make sure to join your Facebook Group BUCKEYE PRE-NURSING #Facebook #connect #BuckeyeNursingBUCKEYE PRE-NURSING Ready to be a Buckeye? Remember your education is YOUR responsibility #TakeOwnership #AdviceFromUpperClassmen MollyPreNursing See you at Convocation on August will meet for the first time that day too!! #BuckeyeBound #New2OSU Don’t forget Orientation is July 17 & 18! Make sure to bring a #SmartPhone or #Tablet with you if you are able! #Technology #Supplies #GetExcited
Have questions? Contact the Office of Student Affairs: See you soon! Go Bucks!