3U4L1 Tablas Blancas Escriban el español.
Loyal, faithful fiel (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2
3 I demand that you arrive early to school today.
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 I demand that you arrive early to school today. Exijo que llegues temprano a la escuela hoy.
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 El astronauta
When do you NOT use the subjunctive after a verb of influence or hope? When there is NO change in subject…2 verb rule!!! (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6
We advise (them) to read all of the articles. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7
We advise (them) to read all of the articles. Les aconsejamos que lean todos los artículos. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8
Cultura Roberto Clemente era ____ (trabajo) de Puerto Rico. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 beisbolista
I allow Enrique to go to his locker (gaveta). (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10
I allow Enrique to go to his locker (gaveta). Dejo que Enrique vaya a su gaveta. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11
Clever, witty, smart ingenioso (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 El científico
The coach insists that I rest the night before the game. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14
The coach insists that I rest the night before the game. El entrenador insiste en que yo descanse la noche antes del juego/partido. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15
My parents demand that I attend (asistir a ) college. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16
My parents demand that I attend (asistir a ) college. Mis padres exigen que yo asista a la universidad. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 El empresario
Do you recommend that I see a doctor? (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19
Do you recommend that I see a doctor? ¿(Me) Recomiendas que yo vea a un doctor? (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20
My mother orders that I do the chores every day. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21
My mother orders that I do the chores every day. Mi madre manda que yo haga los quehaceres todos los días. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22
Cultura Para viajar aquí no se necesita un pasaporte ____. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 Puerto Rico
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24 Los obreros
Teachers forbid the students to smoke (fumar) in school. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25
Teachers forbid the students to smoke (fumar) in school. Los maestros prohíben que los estudiantes fumen en la escuela. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26
Cultura Esmeralda Santiago nació en Puerto Rico y es una ___ (trabajo). (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 27 escritora
We ask that you make (preparar) dinner. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 28
We ask that you make (preparar) dinner. Pedimos que prepares la cena. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 29
(c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 El electricista
The police officer orders the thief (ladrón) to put his hands in the air. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 31
The police officer orders the thief (ladrón) to put his hands in the air. El policía manda que el ladrón ponga sus manos arriba (en el aire)/ levante las manos. (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 32
daring atrevido (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 33
outstanding sobresaliente (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 34
behavior La conducta (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 35
understanding comprensivo (c) 2007 brainybetty.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 36