2014 Incoming College of Business Students Welcome to The College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno! To New Incoming College of Business Students: Please review this slide show to learn about how to create your first semester schedule in the College of Business. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions! Sincerely, The College of Business Student Success Center Ansari Business Building Room 409 (775) 784 ‐ 4912x1
Student Success Center Mission Mission The mission of the College of Business Student Success Center is to help students define and meet their academic and professional goals by providing them with the resources and opportunities to make informed decisions and take action. Goals 1. Help students to assess their strengths and interests in making academic and professional decisions 2. Educate and encourage students in their efforts to graduate 3. Direct students to campus resources and opportunities 4. Assist students to select classes and develop an academic plan based on major choice 5. Support students in navigating campus policies, processes and curriculum requirements 6. Support students in transition to, through and beyond the College of Business Ansari Business Building Room 409 | Monday – Friday | 9am – 5pm Pg. 20 of your Advising Manual
Materials You’ll need: Your current fall schedule Advising Manual* Advising form* Something to write with It is up to YOU to check your schedule and make sure you are in the right classes! *Form and Manual can be found under Advising Documents and Resources at
College of Business Accounting Economics Finance General Business Information Systems Accounting/Information Systems International Business Marketing Management Check your current major! New business students start as Pre-Major, Business Administration (PMBA), and later declare a major upon completion of the pre-business core:
15 to Finish Most classes are 3 units There are some exceptions (ex. ENG 100J: 5 units) Aim to complete 15 units/5 classes every semester Check Financial Aid award letter to determine number of credits needed for aid to disburse A minimum of 120 units are required for College of Business majors. 15 units 2 semesters 30 units per academic year 4 years 120 units
Sample Schedules Pg. 25 of your Advising Manual Suggestions: Enroll in 15 credits Please note ENG 100J and Math 126 are 5 credit classes (two credits more than traditional math and English classes). Talk to an Advisor before enrolling in more than the recommended 15 credits. Be Flexible Stick to the Pre-Business checklist Balance University Core Curriculum and Pre-Business classes
Helpful Definitions MyNEVADA may not allow you to enroll in certain classes because they require prerequisites or co-requisites: PREREQUISITE: a class that must be completed prior to enrolling in a subsequent class Ex. IS 101 is a prerequisite for ECON 261R CO-REQUISITE: a course that is required to be taken simultaneously with another course Ex. MATH 126 is a co-requisite for ECON 102 Although not all upper division courses have prerequisites, freshmen are encouraged to take 100 & 200 level classes Upper division ( level classes) business classes have a similar prerequisite: Students must be declared business majors or minors before they can enroll You may have a class that has a LEC and a DIS section to the course. (E.g. Math 126): LEC: is the large class where the professor lectures and presents all the relevant information for the day. DIS: is a small group section to the course where you discuss the information presented in the LEC section, do quizzes, turn in homework, ask questions, etc. Attendance is mandatory for both components of the course.
Core Curriculum – English and Math ENG 102 MATH 176 SOCIAL SCIENCE (6 units) ANTH 101, SOC 101, PSY 101, PSC 211 or PSC 231 (PSC 101 from AP will count here also) FINE ARTS (3 units) COMMUNICATIONS (3 units) COM 101/113/217/329 NATURAL SCIENCE (6 units) Group A Group A/B CORE HUMANITIES (9 units) CH 201 CH 202 CH 203 Core Curriculum Core curriculum provides students with a broad and diverse educational experience Core curriculum will help balance your pre-business classes to have well rounded semesters Core curriculum is major specific Use the Pre-Business checklist as a guide Pg. 8 of your Advising Manual
Core English Pg. 11 of your Advising Manual
Core Math Pg. 12 of your Advising Manual
MATH 96 MATH 126 MATH 176 MATH 95 MATH 96 MATH 126 MATH 176 Core Math MATH 176 MATH 126E MATH 176 MATH 126 MATH 176 Recommendation: If you start in Math 95 or Math 96 take summer classes to stay on track! MATH 181 or Math 182 will meet the College of Business math requirement. Pg. 12 of your Advising Manual
Pre-Business Major 9 Pre-Business Core Classes: ACC 201 & 202 ECON 102 & 103 ECON 261R & 262R IS 101 MATH 176 MKT 210 All College of Business students start in the Pre-Business major All courses in the Pre-Business core must be completed before you can declare a business major and enroll in upper division business major courses Balance Pre-Business core classes with University Core Curriculum classes. Pg. 24 of your Advising Manual
BUS 101 BUS 101 Student Testimonials “BUS 101 was a very good class for me… it opened my eyes to some aspects of business I never thought of and informed me on all the different majors the College of Business has to offer. I think the class is very supportive…” “I already knew that I would get my degree in marketing, but the presentations in the class helped me get some insight into the kind of people I would be dealing with in my future.” “I would always leave so inspired from the speakers.” “Overall, I recommend this course for anyone who is interested in a business major or is undecided.” Elective Recommended for freshmen Required for LLC students Three components 1.Explore majors/careers 2.Student success 3.Networking Read 7 Habits
Core Curriculum Continued ENG 102 MATH 176 SOCIAL SCIENCE (6 units) ANTH 101, SOC 101, PSY 101, PSC 211 or PSC 231 (PSC 101 from AP will count here also) FINE ARTS (3 units) COMMUNICATIONS (3 units) COM 101/113/217/329 NATURAL SCIENCE (6 units) Group A Group A/B CORE HUMANITIES (9 units) CH 201 CH 202 CH 203 Core Curriculum Core curriculum provides students with a broad and diverse educational experience Core curriculum will help balance your pre-business classes to have well rounded semesters Core curriculum is major specific Use the Pre-Business checklist as a guide Start in the first year with Social Science, Fine Arts, and Communications requirements Pg. 8 of your Advising Manual
MyNEVADA MyNEVADA is your personalized access to information and tools to handle your enrolment and class needs in one secure, centralized location. From MyNEVADA, select the Student Center Dashboard to: Manage your enrollment Add, drop, waitlist classes Check your grades, GPA, Course History Make payments Have access to Academic Advisement Reports Print unofficial transcripts Stay current with to-do items and holds Check your Communications Center to stay current with information sent by Admissions, Financial Aid, etc. Pg. 7 of your Advising Manual
MyNEVADA: Student Center Dashboard Planner Fees Grant, Loans, Scholarship info If you are having challenges enrolling for classes, check for holds. Most holds prevent all enrollment activity. You will have an advising hold for second and third semester mandatory advising
Adjusting Your Schedule MyNEVADA may not allow you to enroll in certain classes because they are reserved for certain groups of student (“reserve capacity”): Honors Students, Majors only, Study Abroad, etc. Please be aware of online courses and dynamically dated classes: Online Class Dynamically Dated If a class you want is already full, you may have the option to waitlist it. All business classes have a waitlist option As students withdraw from the class, the open seats are filled sequentially from the waitlist MyNEVADA will send notifications to you if make it to the top of the list and are automatically enrolled The waitlist system will end the Friday before classes begin This symbol lets you know the class is full but you have the option to waitlist it Here you can see the number of people who are on the waitlist
Freshman – Sophomore Years Complete Nevada core curriculum Prioritize math and English core requirements Complete the NINE Pre-Business core classes Use the Pre-Business major checklist Balance core curriculum and Pre-Business core classes Explore the TEN business majors Get Involved! (see pg. 33 of your Advising Manual) Attend mandatory advising sessions in your first and second semesters