Five9 Dialer Lead Dialing System For best viewing of this presentation, please use Presentation View.
Transferring and Conferencing
Transferring Calls Even though the Five9 interface has a Transfer button on the right, we will NOT use this feature to transfer a call. Using Transfer will disable most call functions for the user receiving the call, making some features unavailable.
Conference Calls Whether transferring or conferencing in another caller, click Add Conference Participant.
Add Conference Participant functions much like the Make Call feature. Conference Calls You’ll notice that Add Conference Participant functions much like the Make Call feature.
You can type a phone number in this box then click Add Participant. Conference Calls You can type a phone number in this box then click Add Participant. 8885551234 The moment you click Add Participant your primary contact is put on hold.
Conference Calls If adding an outside third party to the call, you must advise the call is recorded!
Conference Calls You can also type 010 to add or transfer to a specific agent’s extension.
Conference Calls You’ll then use your dial pad when prompted to enter the appropriate extension of the agent you’d like to reach.
Transfer the Qualified Leads Here. Conference Calls If you’d rather transfer the call to the first available agent, type 001 in the text box to access the Speed Dial item listed as Transfer the Qualified Leads Here.
Conference Calls 2 IMORTANT NOTE: In many cases, your call script will specify the Speed Dial to use if transferring to the first available agent. Some Speed Dials are reserved for specific campaigns. If none is indicated, you may use 001 as indicated in the previous screen. 1
Conference Calls Once you’ve confirmed the third party is present, click Complete Conference to tie all parties together.
Transferring If you’ve added another agent to the conference and want to transfer the call to him/her, click Leave Conference, then choose TFR to Agent. Even though you’ve left the conference, the two parties will stay connected.
Managing Conference Participants Any time you’re on a conference call, you’ll see all parties listed in the Conference Participants box.
Managing Conference Participants From here, you can right-click on any of the participants which opens the option to Remove Participant or Park Participant.
Managing Conference Participants Whether you choose to remove or park one of the participants, Five9 will always prompt you to confirm.
Managing Conference Participants After you’ve confirmed your selection, Five9 will display a message confirming that your action is complete.
Parked Participants If you’ve parked one of the participants, you will find that party in your Parked Calls tab near the bottom of your screen. You may continue your conversation with the active caller while the parked caller will remain on hold.
Parked Participants From the Parked Calls tab, you can right-click the parked caller which will give you the options Transfer Parked Call and Add To Conference.
Parked Participants If you choose Add To Conference, Five9 will prompt you to confirm your choice.
Parked Participants After confirming your choice, Five9 will tie the parked caller back into the conference.
Parked Participants You will now see all callers listed once again in the Conference Participants box.
Your feedback is valuable! Please address any questions or feedback regarding this presentation to: Joshua De La Luz Sales Trainer 817-255-6631