LET THERE BE MUSIC Verse 1 - All Let there be music Let there by magic Let there be lots of noise Where there were not lights Let there be spotlights And lots of girls and boys Let there be laughter Lots of surprise And voices singing to the skies Verse 2 - All Let there be ponies Let there by piglets Let there be sheep and goats Big ones and small ones Tiny and tall ones All in their woolly coats Let there be chickens Ducklings and geese And squawking shattering the peace Chorus 2 – Y4 This is Jack and this is Daisy He’s the hero, she’s the cow and she’s very lazy We’re the animals who sing in rhyme, anytime While we’re working on the farm Chorus 1 – Y3 We will bring you adventure We will bring you a giant We will bring you a hero Who is small and strong All: And this is where our tale begins
OFF YOU GO TO MARKET Off you go to market, Don’t delay; We will wave you On your way. Follow Jack, We’ve a hunch You won’t come back! Toodle-oo and au revoir Send a postcard From the abattoir. So… Year 3 Off you go to market, Don’t delay; We will wave you On your way. We will wave you: Goodbye! Year 4 ------------------------------- Off you go to market, Don’t delay; We will wave you On your way. Goodbye!
GOING, GOING GONE! Here today Roll on up Hurry, hurry Come to market Come and buy! Roll up and take a peek See the bargain of the week Spend, spend and never stop You’ll be shopping ‘til you drop Come, passers-by Don’t be shy Come and buy Here today Hurry, hurry Gone tomorrow Come and buy! Lads, lassies, lend an ear See the bargain of the year Spend, spend and soon you’ll be On a mighty spending spree Come, passers-by Don’t be shy Come and buy Continues…
Spend, spend and never stop Shop, shop until you drop Roll on up Hurry, hurry Come to market Come and buy! Here today Gone tomorrow Come and buy Spend, spend and never stop Shop, shop until you drop Spend, spend til everything is Shop, shop ‘til everything is Going, going, going, going GONE! Pots, pans and pegs and pies! Beds, beads and butterflies We sell the best supplies In all the town. Spoons, specs and spinning tops! Lychees and lollipops! Come to market We won’t let you down Red rugs and ruby wings! Charcoal and chicken wings We sell the finest things In all of town. Tom-toms and tangerines Come buy my magic beans! We won’t let you down.
MAN IN THE MOON Man in the moon Promise that soon Sleep, sleep, sleep will come calling Stars in the sky Sing lullaby Sing him to sleep tonight All: Hmmm…hmmm Hmmm…hmmm Man in the moon Promise that soon Sleep, sleep, sleep will come calling Animals here Hush, disappear Leave him to dream alone Hmm…. Hmm… Sleep, sleep, sleep will come calling Leave him to dream alone dream alone
CROCK OF GOLD ALL: No more scrimping, No more saving We’ll be farmyard millionaires Is there something lurking up the beanstalk? Better say your prayers So look around now, if you please This is the land where money grows on trees So Jack, be big and brave and bold And find a rainbow crock of gold. Watch out for witches Watch out for dragons too Watch out for giants Or you’ll wind up in a stew. (Repeat singing at the same time, repeat last line slower!)
Fee Fi Fo Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman Eye of newt, and tail of rat, Whiskers plucked from someone’s cat Raven’s heart and sizzling slug All washed down with dragon’s blood. Tadpole toast, canary crunch These are things I love to munch But my meal has just begun When I smell the blood of an Englishman continues
By the tickling of my nose, I can tell who comes and goes By the tickling of my nose, I can tell who comes and goes! By the twitching of my snout, I’m com…..ing I can smell a human out I’m com…..ing I can smell him Smell him, smell him I can (sniff sniff) smell him (sniff sniff) out!
CRUNCH! You needn’t be clever, or bold, or defiant, When scaling a beanstalk, or stalking a giant, There’s just one thing you ought to know, Whilst he’s up there and you’re down below Chorus Oh the giant * has a honker* And it’s shiny* like a great big conker* If the giant* gets a whiff of you Then CRUNCH!* you’re the giant’s lunch. Yes the giant* has a hooter* And it’s bigger* than a great big scooter* Then WHACK * You’re a giant’s snack continues
Now, before you climb the bean, Let’s make sure you’re squeaky clean We must check you top to toe And boy you stink! And so it’s No! No! back you go Chorus Oh the giant * has a honker* And it’s shiny* like a great big conker* If the giant* gets a whiff of you Then CRUNCH!* you’re the giant’s lunch. Yes the giant* has a hooter* And it’s bigger* than a great big scooter* Then WHACK * You’re a giant’s snack continues
Wham. You’re strawberry jam. Smash. You’re beans and mash. Squeeze Wham! You’re strawberry jam! Smash! You’re beans and mash! Squeeze! You’re mushy peas! Squish! You’re battered fish! Whoop! You’re chicken soup! Yum! You’re chewing gum! Squeal! You’re curried eel! continues
Now, before you climb the bean, Let’s make sure you’re squeaky clean We must check you top to toe And boy you’re clean! And so it’s Yo! Yo! Up you go! Up you go! Up you go! Chorus Oh the giant * has a honker* And it’s shiny* like a great big conker* If the giant* gets a whiff of you Then CRUNCH!* you’re the giant’s lunch. Yes the giant* has a hooter* And it’s bigger* than a great big scooter* Then WHACK * You’re a giant’s snack CRUNCH!* You’re the giant’s lunch. CRUNCH!* You’re the giant’s lunch. CRUNCH! continues
FEE FI FO FUM 2 Fee fi fo fum Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of a (sniff, sniff, sniff) I smell the blood of a (yawn) Now I can’t smell anyone! (snore)
FINALE No more scrimping, No more saving, Now we’re farmyard millionaires Poor old mummy would have been delighted Never mind, who cares! So look around now, if you please, This is the land where money grows on trees! And Jack was big and brave and bold, He found a rainbow crock of gold. continues
Oh the giant * has a honker* And it’s shiny* like a great big conker* If the giant* gets a whiff of you Then CRUNCH!* you’re the giant’s lunch. Yes the giant* has a hooter* And it’s bigger* than a great big scooter* Then WHACK * You’re a giant’s snack CRUNCH!* You’re the giant’s lunch. CRUNCH!* You’re the gi - ant’s lunch continues
We have brought you adventure We have brought you a giant We have brought you a hero Who is small and strong And this is where our story ENDS