Northeast Region Group Planning Time July 11, : :30 The New Northeast Team
Group Planning Time: Sunday, July 11 9:30 – 12:30 Focus: Most academies strive to fully implement the NAF Model, and through last years Self Assessment, identified priorities for improvement. Take this time to refocus on the 4 elements of the NAF Model and what you want to improve on in collaboration with the new Northeast Network Services Team Goals: Become familiar with NAFs new service delivery model Develop Action Plan using the Performance Measurement Planning Tool – two copies one for RD to provide information to develop own work plan. Parking Lot: Questions and suggestions on paper Connect EDU: strongly suggest leadership attend. Remember to complete evaluations on-line
FIELD SUPPORT TEAM: Northeastern Pilot Network Services Director Academy Development Manager. Curriculum Specialist Partnership Development Manager. Network Liaison NYC Director Academy Development Manager: Maria Alutto NYC Director: Tanya Navas Curriculum Specialist: Laura Fidler Network Services Director: Steve Casa Partnership Development Manager: Dan Wallace Network Liaisons: Fred Press and Jennifer Geisler NYC Partnership Coordinators: Jessica Felix Sarah Hickert Partnership Coordinator
Affiliate Program Member Academy Leader Academy Distinguished Academy Components of the NAF Performance Measurement System Self-Assessment & Planning Tool Student-level Data (ConnectEDU) Stakeholders Surveys Stakeholders Surveys
Why ConnectEDU?
Section 1: ACADEMY DEVELOPMENT Exemplary Practice Student Participation and Recruitment Academy participation is open to all students, Academy demographics mirror that of the school, outreach efforts used to target students who would most benefit from the Academy, recruitment efforts yield stable or growing enrollment across all grades over time Academy Enrollment Academy is a 4 year program and enrolls over 75 students in each grade level Cohort Schedule % of Academy students scheduled as a cohort Academy Director Academy Director is a non-teaching staff or a teacher who spends the majority of their time as Director
Section 2: ADVISORY BOARD Board Membership 11 or more Board members, at least 85% are non-school staff, including local business leaders, community members, parents, students and representatives from higher education Board Structure and Plans Board Chairperson, committee structure, Board Strategic Plan, and Board recruitment and leadership succession plans in place Board Function and Roles Board meets 11 times per year (including a Strategic Planning meeting in August or September), advises Academy leaders, provides internships, and engages with Academy students and teachers at least quarterly
Section 3: CURRICULUM NAF Courses Taught and Taken 7 or more NAF courses are taught and taken by the cohort over 4 grade levels with substantial evidence of integration with core academic content Supports for Students to Fully Benefit from NAF Courses Formal supports (such as skill workshops and shadow classes) help all students achieve the extended benefit of NAF Academy courses, and Academy staff formally share these practices with the NAF Network Use of NAF Instructional Practices (See NAF Learning Handbook) Academy teachers understand and apply the NAF instructional practices and work-based learning in all Academy courses and formally share these practices with others in their school and in the NAF Network
Section 4: WORK BASED LEARNING Internship Preparation All students participate in a structured sequence of workplace learning and internship preparation activities each year Internship Completion 100% of students complete compensated internships Internship Assessments The school, employer, and student have multiple opportunities to evaluate the internship experience
Activity: Action Planning – Review Model Exemplars – Identify opportunities and challenge areas within each – Prioritize areas you’ll need to focus on – Develop strategies and action items to improve that area. – Utilize the content experts in the room to facilitate this process.
Team Time: Monday, July 12 3:30 – 5:00 Focus: Performance Assessment System Planning Tool Discussion Opportunity Scan Strategy Share your learning from conference with team and discuss impact on your academy planning. What do you need to focus on the remainder of institute? Goals: Synthesize NAF and network supports to move the needle Identify other external support regarding areas of weakness Prepare for the remainder of institute Parking lot: Questions and suggestions Remember to complete on-line evaluations
Performance Assessment System Planning (Action Planning) Academy Structure - 13 – One: 8 – Two: 5 – Three: 4 – Four: 7 Advisory Board - 15 – One: 6 – Two: 9 – Three: 3 – Four: 6 Curriculum and Assessment - 15 – One: 13 – Two: 2 – Three: 9 – Four: 1 Work-Based Learning - 10 – One: 1 – Two: 9 – Three:6 – Four: 8
Opportunity Scan Strategy What statewide legislation or initiatives have affected or may affect your academy work? What are the primary funding sources for your academy and/or CTE courses? What organizations, beyond the school districts, are helping influence high school reform and/or academy model initiatives within your state and district? What are the biggest opportunities you think could be leveraged to help academies in your State/Region? What are the major challenges facing academies in your State/Region?
Team Sharing What did you learn and how will you make it happen?: Discuss the major learnings from the conferences Strategize how you’ll make them happen back home – What are the internal weaknesses that may hamper you? – What are the external threats that you’ll be faced with?