How Assertive are you? STEP 1: Spot peer pressure STEP 2: Know how to say no
Basic human rights Right to be… Treated with respect To make mistakes & be responsible for them To refuse requests with out feeling guilty To ask for what we want (realising the person can say no) To be listened to & taken seriously To say ‘I don’t understand’ To ask for information
3 responses Passive – other peoples’ rights matter more than mine You’re ok, I’m not ok Aggressive - other peoples’ rights matter less than mine I’m ok, you’re not ok Assertive – I respect other s & myself equally I’m ok, you’re ok
Spotting Peer Pressure The huddle The example The look It won't hurt you. Your parents will never find out. You'll have more fun.
Which response is aggressive, passive, assertive, ‘know it al’l, avoiding answering (fogging) DoD Do you want to come for a drink after school??
Which ways were the best way to respond? Activity: Match the answer to the description No way … aggressive Um, sorry … passive No thanks … assertive No, you shouldn’t … know it all Oh gosh …fogging/avoiding answering
Strategies for resisting peer pressure Say no – mean no! Stuck CD – repeat & repeat! Don’t be a silent bystander Fogging – don’t agree or disagree Avoid the situation Positive self talk (self esteem) Choose friends carefully
Activity 1. Choose a strategy that will help you deal with the situation and keep you safe 2. Role play it with your group. How did it feel? 3. Role play another strategy. Did you all agree on one or have different ideas? Practise makes perfect!
ght_to_resist.asp Always choose a strategy that feels safe Remember it’s not your fault if the strategy doesn’t work – everyone has the right to feel safe No problem is so bad that you can’t talk about it – remember your ‘helping hand’
Helpful Hand