My background A Professional Trader, indicator developer, educator and live moderator in my live day trading room. Over the last 18 years I have trained hundreds of traders via seminars, books and in my live day trading room. I specialize in helping day traders in the FUTURES and FOREX markets to develop a winning day trading plan that utilizes a great reward to risk strategy while teaching the emotional aspects of being a successful day trader. My indicators work stand alone or you are able to view all my setups live 23 out of 24 hours a day in my live room.
Stand alone indicators and live room! Symmetry Indicator package works on the Ninja Trader platform. Symmetry Dots Indicator Leading indicator for major tops and bottoms in all markets. Big moves in all the markets are created when this indicator is setting higher lows for buys and lower highs for sells. This will allow the trader to avoid counter trend trading and always be trading with the tone of the market. These dots will act as major support/resistance as the market stair steps up and stair steps down. In other words, buy dips in up trends and selling rally’s in downtrends.
Triangle Squeeze Indicator Leading indicator that indicates squeeze play or a big vertical move is about to occur due to price action. The Triangles can call major tops and bottoms and are also great for hard vertical moves when the markets pauses (squeeze) for a continuation when in line with the symmetry dots tone.
E BOOK METHODOLOGY A. Explosive moves within minutes after a news report. Learn how to profit just minutes after daily news releases no matter which way the market moves. B. Powerful setup that works on all markets and can be used as a stand alone methodology. Great for weekly oil reports, non farm payrolls, retail sales, gross domestic product, federal funds, consumer price and producer price monthly reports. C. This specific institutional timing pattern tells the exact direction of the move and how to calculate the exact buy/sell zone for every news release. Tight stop with large potential moves. D. Watch how this setup identifies great reward to risk trades on all markets on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
LIVE DAY TRADING ROOM My members day trade the S&P500 futures, Euro FX, British Pound and the Australian Dollar. The FOREX pairs or the CME Futures can be traded. 5 High Probability trade setups that buy strength and sell weakness 3 daily/weekly/monthly impact numbers are given for the S&P500, Australian Dollar, Euro FX and British Pound that call major turning points in the markets. Live training and coaching everyday from 9am-11am est. on all setups. Each market is running 23 out of 24 hours a day live with all my indicators. Just watch my screens and trade the top 2-3 hour windows that I teach you by viewing my screens. 2-4am or 8-11am eastern. 3 day “FREE TRIAL” to see for yourself.
[11:01] Jeff: thanks for a great morning Jay....+121 today [10:08] Vaughn: 50 ticks today Jay I wouldn't have thought in a million years that there was a system that you could get pips in every single day. This is amazing. Another thing is how Awesome it is for someone just starting out to make with this system! [10:08] Paul: as long as you follow the rules you'll be good [10:12] Paul: up 94 ticks today wish I knew about this system a few years ago [10:40] jesus: Jay I like to say something This is the Best room on earth, I been in several rooms [10:48] jesus …………..: i spent over 50k in education in last 2 years and never found nothing like this, this is the best [11:01] Jeff: thanks for a great morning Jay....+121 today [16:32] george: +541 ticks for month . [7:29] Jan: up over 160 ticks today this morning on ec and bp [10:49] charles: 370 !!! [12:06] Chris:8.5 pts [9:28] Jeff : Inst. to Inst. Jay....+52 on that one The testimonials cited herein reflect results experienced by customers who have devoted their time and effort to following the guidance and training provided by Symmetry Indicators. These testimonials provide information about customers' experiences when the customers provided them. We make no assurances that these customers sharing stories of their past earnings can, or will, duplicate these results going forward. Symmetry Indicators has received from each customers that the information in the testimonial is accurate. Symmetry Indicators has paid no customers to share his or her story. You should not infer from these testimonials that Symmetry Indicators is guaranteeing your success, or that you will make any money. Chances for success are a function of several factors, including your motivation and effort to learn and implement the software, your skill set, your follow through with what you learn, and changing circumstances in the Futures market. Further, as with all trading, there are known and unknown risks that may present additional hurdles to your success. Your decision to purchase Symmetry Indicators software should be based on your own due diligence, and not on any representation that we make to you..
THIS INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE GRAPHS & CHARTS ARE PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL/ INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. These results are not indicative of, and have no bearing on, any individual results that may be attained by the using these indicators in the future. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. The examples shown here may or may not be typical of the performance of this system, ALTHOUGH WE BELIEVE THIS INFORMATION TO BE ACCURATE. Potential traders should carefully investigate, evaluate and compare trading strategies before investing capital. Some or all trading strategies may involve an inappropriate level of risk for potential traders. It is the nature of commodity and securities trading that where there is the opportunity for profit, there is also the risk of loss. Trading strategies, like any other, may involve an inappropriate level of risk for prospective investors. THE RISK OF LOSS IN TRADING COMMODITY FUTURES AND OPTIONS CAN BE SUBSTANTIAL AND MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL INVESTORS. Prior to purchasing or leasing a trading strategy from this or any other system vendor or investing in a trading strategy, investors need to carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their own specific financial condition. In some cases, futures accounts are subject to substantial charges for commission, management, incentive or advisory fees. It may be necessary for accounts subject to these charges to make substantial trading profits to avoid depletion or exhaustion of their assets. All information is offered with the understanding that an investor considering purchasing or leasing a system must carry out his/her own research and due diligence in deciding whether to purchase or lease any trading strategies noted within or without this report. This report does not constitute a solicitation to purchase or invest in any trading strategies which may be mentioned. ATTENTION JAY OR JEREL FREE 3 DAY TRIAL IN THE LIVE DAY TRADING ROOM 50% DISCOUNT TO TEST DRIVE THE LIVE DAY TRADING ROOM NINJA WEBINAR DISCOUNT FOR “DAY TRADING THE NEWS” E BOOK AND MY SYMMETRY INDICATORS WWW.SYMMETRYINDICATORS.COM Contact us for a free live feed trial to use with Ninja Trader.