8 Big Mistakes You Can Make in a High-Stakes Presentation Click here to begin Sims Wyeth & C0. To shine when all eyes are on you, avoid the 8 biggest mistakes you can make when you’re making a high- stakes presentation. Let’s start with the big idea: YOU’RE THERE TO TELL, NOT TO SELL!
1 st Big Mistake Telling, not Selling Telling is informing, and information is a commodity: it needs to be presented as evidence for your point of view. Language only works when it works to persuade. Put your words to work. Sell yourself, sway their emotions, and advance your argument. Your job isn’t to provide material. During a presentation, your job is to bring it to life.
2 nd Big Mistake Talking too much The #1 mistake of most people = they talk too much. Selling ≠ talking! Be concise. Be mindful of their eyes. When you see them glaze over, you know they’re cooked. Keep in mind Mrs. Humphrey’s advice to her husband Hubert: “For a speech to be immortal, it need not be interminable.
3 rd Big Mistake Not doing your homework During your talk, reveal an interest in their problems. Show that you’ve done your homework. Be consultative—after you’ve discussed the problems, offer how you’ll help to them solve them.
4 th Big Mistake Not listening to your listeners Listening is vastly underrated by people giving presentations They’re nervous, and have trouble focusing on what’s being said. Listen to all of what your audience says— tone, expression, breathing, body & eye movements. Be a detective. Signal that you are listening. Engage people. Nod. Lean forward. Be involved with your listeners. But don’t fake it. It has to be real. If appropriate, ask questions. Repeat what you’ve heard them answer—this affirms that you “get them.”
5 th Big Mistake Not telling stories Tell stories about yourself. They have drama, dialogue, obstacles, and struggle—people will see you in another light. Stories are far more memorable than data and facts. They have emotional impact, and that’s as important as logical appeal. Story telling is as important to human survival as opposable thumbs. Without stories, we can’t make sense of the world. Find your stories. Tell them well—rehearse them, just like an actor.
6 th Big Mistake Not rehearsing No actor, musician, dancer, athlete, or speaker should go on stage without preparing. Prepare your content and say it—aloud—to another person. It can only help you get better. The way to peak performance is to rehearse under performance-like pressure. Bill Bradley said, “When you are not practicing, somewhere out there your competitor is, and when you meet him, you will lose.”
7 th Big Mistake Not assuming equal status No matter how much older, richer, or smarter you think you are, don’t play the HIGH STATUS card. And no matter how much younger, poorer, or dumber you think you are, don’t play the LOW STATUS game. Meet your audience as an EQUAL. It’s the best way to build a connection.
8 th Big Mistake Not looking good or sounding good Do I have to tell you to dress the part? Look them in the eye. Look confident. Sound confident. Smile now and then. Enjoy yourself. Your voice is the primary means of communicating emotion, and emotion is contagious…make it worth catching. Remember, people like people who like them. So show that you like the other person.
In summary, to be a success Bring your past into the present Bring your best relaxed self into the present Bring their needs into the present Bring your solutions into the present Bring a better future into the present