January 30,
Gadget : a tool to make your life easier Not a sales talk Not a techie talk
One question - most at the end On website at bottom of slides Not enough time Prizes!
eBay Feedback is your friend Read auction carefully Be patient Websites:
Website: store.irobot.com Cost New: $130 to $600 Used/Refurbished: $50 and up
Website: store.irobot.com Pros: Easy to use Gets under beds/tables Great on hardwood floors/carpet Works well on pet hair Avoids stairs
Website: store.irobot.com Cons: Cost Random coverage Battery - replace every 2 years Fringe on rugs
Website: store.irobot.com The Geek Speaks: Roomba doesn’t replace vacuuming but easily cuts it in half
Geek Diversion : Memory Cards - 1 gigabyte (1 gb) = about 200 pictures or songs
Website: (and others) Cost: $40 to $250 - depending on size Pros: Slide show on your shelf Cons: Cost
Website: Discourages “pests” - both two and four legged – from entering your yard, garden, etc. by squirting water at them. Cost – around $60 at
Website: VRFM9R - Transmits music from a flash drive or memory card to the speakers in your car Cost:$30 ( ) $5 for flash drive or SD memory card
Website: Pros: Music through car speakers Security – thieves know iPods Connect iPod/other Cons: Minor – copying music Free FM station – problem in larger cities
Website: Pros: Control lamps, appliances, Christmas lights, etc. remotely. Cons:
Website: Play music on a hand-held device MP3 – just a song saved on your computer MP3 means Apple iPod for 70% of people MP3s come from your music CDs or can be purchased for around $1 from Apple or Amazon.
Website: Pros: Portable and easy to use Cons: Cost - $15 to $400 Ease of use for some (not Apple)
Website: any cell phone vendor Makes phone calls but also might: Play songs (MP3), GPS, takes pictures and videos, work on Excel spreadsheets, check , connect to the Internet and … Gratuitous Swipe at Apple iPhone Copy/paste, keyboards, removable battery, and removable storage.
Website: any cell phone vendor Pros: It holds my life Cons: Cost - $100 to $700 Ease of use Monthly cost – more important, life-of- contract cost
Website: any cell phone vendor The Geek Speaks: In three to five years, most of us will not own a: Digital Camera MP3 Player GPS Credit/Debt Card will own a smart phone
Website: A VCR on steroids Cost:Free to $500 (HD version) $13 a month for TV listings
Website: Pros: Record favorite shows Pause and rewind live TV Record your favorite stars anywhere they appear Record two channels at once Search for keywords – Incas, Huskies, etc. – and automatically record
Website: Cons: Cost The Geek Speaks: If you use it, you’ll want it. Start with your cable company’s “Tivo” and try Tivo later.
Website: Cost: $50 to $600 Basic Models: Current location Advanced Models: Turn-by-turn directions (with voice), connects to car speakers, cell phone (Bluetooth), traffic reports, play songs (MP3)
Website: Pros: Never lost Cons: Cost Updated maps Mountains, trees, clouds affect signal
Website: Cost: $50 to $800 $25 for memory cards
Website: Pros: Instant Gratification Hundreds of Pictures - $5 memory card Shoots Video Too Cons: Can be expensive Small screen a problem outside
Website: The Geek Speaks: For most of us, don’t worry about megapixels and buy the cheapest camera that handles your needs.
QQuestions? Prizes!