Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Program
Patient Navigation How Patient Navigation Evolved The program grew out of the 1989 American Cancer Society’s national hearings on cancer and the poor, which noted: Gaps in service that lead to fragmentation of care; Delayed and/or missed appointments; Substantial barriers to care, including lack of knowledge of available financial (insurance) assistance; and Lack of social support.
Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Roles Guide patients through the health care system. Coordinate services. Assist with increasing women’s access to care. Facilitate appropriate insurance applications.
Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Roles Assist with increasing access to community and social support services. Work with community groups to increase breast health awareness and provide breast health education.
Patient Navigation Patient Navigators Make a Difference Assist with identifying, applying, and using appropriate social services. Help patients identify and obtain financial help for their health care needs. Help patients arrive on time and prepared for scheduled appointments. Help reduce patients’ fear and anxiety.
Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Job Functions Connect patients with resources and support systems. Facilitate interaction and communications with health care staff and providers. Streamline appointments and paperwork. Track interventions and outcomes. Implement outreach strategies.
Patient Navigation Functions Patient Navigators Do NOT Perform Physical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Ordering of care, treatments, or medications. Direct patient care. Physical, occupational, or speech therapy.
Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Program Benefits Improved patient care. Decreased fragmentation of care. Improved patient satisfaction. More efficient delivery of care.
Patient Navigation Breast Health Patient Navigator Program Benefits Fewer delayed or missed appointments. Enhanced access for vulnerable populations to breast health services. Financial savings.
Patient Navigation Results Achieved in One Health Care Organization 99% of all clinic patients are scheduled for follow-up appointments. 20% increase in patient attendance at the breast cancer support group. Increased patient satisfaction. Improved length of stay due to decreased delays in obtaining rehabilitation consults.
Patient Navigation Developing a Breast Health Patient Navigator Program Define program goals, objectives, and timeframes. Formulate a patient navigator role description. Develop tools: intake form; tracking system/follow-up log; decision tree/algorithm; and brochures describing the program.
Patient Navigation Developing a Breast Health Patient Navigator Program Identify other departments involved in caring for these patients. Identify potential costs. Identify program evaluation methods. Formulate outreach strategies.