Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ¾›=ƒÄåÁ e` ISU TIu` KIS [Ç ¾e` ISU ƒUI`ƒ ýaÓ^U ›²ÒЋ“ [Ç„‹ : ýaôc` ËTM ›wÆMnÉ`: ³ ð`eƒ Ÿõ}—


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Presentation transcript:

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ¾›=ƒÄåÁ e` ISU TIu` KIS [Ç ¾e` ISU ƒUI`ƒ ýaÓ^U ›²ÒЋ“ [Ç„‹ : ýaôc` ËTM ›wÆMnÉ`: ³ ð`eƒ Ÿõ}— ¡K=’>¡ Ê/` ›ISÉ [Í: ¾›=ƒÄåÁ e` ISU TIu` ¿ iaƒ: ai ÇÁÓe+¡e Í=›?Uu=›?‹: Ë`S” aL”É i“ÃÉK”, ai ÇÁÓe+¡e Í=›?U u=›?‹: Ë`S” UY^p [k˜: ¾›=ƒÄåÁ e` ISU TIu` c=/` ðKÑ w`H”: ³ ð`eƒ Ÿõ}— ¡K=’>¡

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Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program c¬’‹” ›=”c ÁS`}¬ KU”É’¬; ›=”c<K=” ÅU ›”˃ u?ƒ = ¾c¬’ƒ Iªe e`e` qiƒ c¬’‹” ŸuL’¬ UÓw ¾T>Ñ–¬” e` uTnÖM ÃM”/Ñ<Muƒ” ÃðØ^M!

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ›”Å—¬ ¯Ã’ƒ ¾e` ISU ›=”c<K=” ÅU ›”˃ u?ƒ, ¾c¬’ƒ Iªe e`e` qiƒ G SÖ<ƒ Ÿc¬’ƒ ¬ß ’¬:: = ›=”c<K=” uS`ô S¬cÉ ÁeðMÒM::

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program G<K}—¬ ¯Ã’ƒ ¾e` ISU ›=”c<K=” ÅU ›”˃ u?ƒ, ¾c¬’ƒ Iªe e`e` qiƒ ›”Ç”É ¾›=”c<K=” lMö‹ uƒ¡¡M ›Ãc\U:: = eK²=I qiƒ w²< Se^ƒ ›Kuƒ::

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ¾e` ISU ¯Ã’„‹ 1—¬ ¯Ã’ƒ ¾e` ISU ¾²=I ¯Ã’~ ¾e` ISU ¾T>Ÿc}¬ qiƒ ›=”c ²? uI铃 LÓ Ÿ40 ¯Sƒ u‹ uJ’ ²? vK¬ ¾I¡U“ ¬kƒ Sc[ƒ M”ŸLŸK¬ ›”‹MU:: ISS< u›=”c<K=” SŸU Ã`uM:: 2—¬ ¯Ã’ƒ ¾e` ISU ›"L‹” ¾T>ÁS’Ú¬” ›=”c ðÖ[¬ ¾e` ISU ¯Ã’ƒ ’¬:: ¾›"M wnƒ ”penc? ›KTÉ[Ó“ ŸSÖ” ÁKð SÓóƒ“ uu?}cw ¬eØ ¾e` ISU S` KG ÁÒMÖ< “†¬:: G ƒ Ö?“T ›SÒÑw uSŸ}M“ ¾›"M wnƒ ”penc? uTÉ[Ó ÃŸTM:: G ‹K< ”Å ¾›Ua Y^¬” KSY^ƒ ›KS‰M(eƒa¡)' ¾Ÿ<LK=ƒ }Óv\” uƒ¡¡M Se^ƒ ›KS‰M' ¯Ã’e¬`’ƒ“ ¾Ó` Sq[Ø” KSdcK< ‹Óa‹ ÁÒMÖ“M::

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program uÅU ¬eØ ¾e` SÖ” Sw³ƒ UM¡„‹  „KA „KA Si“ƒ  ¾TÁs`Ø ¾¬H ØU  HÃK— ¾É"U  ¾c¬’ƒ Sk’e ›w³—¬” Ñ>²? „KA ¾TÃe}ªK< UM¡„‹:  leKA‹ „KA ›ÃÉ’<U  ¾T¾ƒ ‹Ó` ÃÑØU­M  K?KA‹ ui­‹ KUdK? ¾i”ƒ Te}LKòÁ ~x ‹Ó`  ¾qÇ TdŸ¡  ¾Ó`“ Ï SÅ”²²

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ›Ua ¯Ã‹ Ÿ<LK=„‹ Óa‹ Mw Ÿõ}— ¾e` SÖ” uÅU ¬eØ S` ISU ›ÁeŸƒMU:: ’Ñ` Ó” uÑ>²? H>Ń ª“ ª“ ¾c¬’ƒ ›"Lƒ” ÁuLhM::

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Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program }Ñu= uJ’ S”ÑÉ KÓ`­ ”ȃ Ø”no TÉ[Ó Ã‹LK<; w²<H’< ¾e` ISU}™‹ ¾Ó` ‹Ó` ÃÑØT†ªM::ÃIU Ó`” Sq[Ø K=ÁS^ ËLM:: ue` ISU ¾}’d Ó\ ¾}q[Ö c¬ Á¬nK<; ÃI ¾T>J’¬ uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ U¡”Á„‹ ’¬::  ¾’`{ Ñ<ǃ – uÓa‹­ Là S<kƒU J’ ISU ›ÃcT­ ƒU::  ¾Ó` Ñ<ǃ – ÝT­ƒ u=Öw­ƒ“ Ñ<ǃ u=Å`ew­ƒ ›ÃcT­ƒU::  Óa‹­“ ¾Ó`­ Ýõ um ÅU ›ÃÅ`d†¬U – ¾T>ÁÚc< ŸJ’ ÃI ÃvvdM::  uTÃÉ’< leKA‹­ Là K?L ›=”ô¡i” ÁÒØU­M::

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ¾TeÖ”kmÁ UM¡„‹” Te}ªM  uÓ` ›K=Á ÅÓV ul`ßUßT>ƒ Là SpLƒ“ TuØ  Ó` Ã’óóM ›K=Á ÅÓV ÃkßÝM  Ó` ÏÓ Ãk²p³M  uÓ` Ñ ²? ›K=ÁU ›[õ c=vM ISU ÃcTM  ¾T>¿ ¡õƒ leKA‹  ¾TÃÉ’< leKA‹ S`  Ó` ¬eØ ¾T>ÁÉÑ< ¾Ó` Øõa‹ }Ñu= uJ’ S”ÑÉ KÓ`­ ”ȃ Ø”no TÉ[Ó Ã‹LK<; ÏÓ ›’e}— leM wƒJ” ^e­ KTŸU ›ÃV¡\:: GŸ=U­/’`e­ ²”É ÃH>Æ::

Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program ¾T>S‡ ÝT­‹” ÁÉ`Ñ<! }Ñu= uJ’ S”ÑÉ KÓ`­ ”ȃ Ø”no TÉ[Ó Ã‹LK<;

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Ethiopian Diabetes Association Patient Education Program

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