Hoy es lunes diecinueve de diciembre AGENDA 1. Select Spanish speaking country and tell Sr. Grisalez (he will call on you alphabetically order) 2. Create power point with the following criteria(next page) 3. We will present miercoles y jueves=100pts
1. Title page your name Pic country name/flag pic 2. Location (MAP) pic (N.America,Africa,Asia?) 3. Population/#people pic (African influence ?) 4. Religion pic (different, distribution) 5. Government(president) pic (republic,democratic,communist ) 6. Famous Landmarks pic 7. Famous people pic (actors,activist,writers,sports Currency 8. Currency pic (what is their money called) 9. Food (main dish) pic (name of dish,what is it) 10. Last slide: What interesting fact did you learn/liked about the country ? (1 paragraph) WE WILL PRESENT MIERCOLES/JUEVES(all slides must be labeled) 100 project POINTS