The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Young Adult Outreach and Education
Who Doesn’t Have Insurance? 16.9% of residents in Idaho lack insurance 29.3% of year olds in Idaho lack insurance 15.7% of residents in the U.S. lack insurance 26.9% of year olds in the US lack insurance
Who are Young Invincibles?
How does the ACA affect young adults How do we talk to young adults about health care? Overview
ACA Provisions Already in Effect that Help Young Adults
Dependent Coverage Free Preventive Care No denial for pre-existing condition for under 19 Student Health Plans Women’s Health Contraception Community Health Centers What’s Already in Effect
Under 26 can stay on parent’s plan Under 19 – no denial for pre- existing conditions Free Preventive Care – no co-pays on screenings and check-ups Dependent Coverage and Preventive Care
Previously limited regulations Now subject to standardized ACA requirements Must include preventive care benefits 80/20 Ratio Student Health Plans
Women’s Health Benefits Well-women visits Support for breastfeeding Domestic violence screening and counseling Mammograms and cancer screenings
Contraception As of Aug 2012, new health insurance plans must cover contraception with no co-pay Religious institutions - exempt Religiously-affiliated institutions - 1 year delay After Aug. 2013, employees and students get coverage directly from insurance companies
Currently 8,000 CHCs provide care to 20 million individuals In June 2012 grants went to 219 CHCs around the country Increased number of patients served by 1.25 million Growth of Community Health Centers (CHCs)
What Changes Will Come in 2014?
Medicaid Expansion Subsidies Exchanges/Marketplaces Individual Mandate Changes to Come
Currently eligible: Children under 19 Low income parents Pregnant women Disabled Eligible in 2014: EVERYONE <133% of FPL States can decide whether to expand further Governor-appointed working group recommended expansion to 138% FPL Idaho and Medicaid Photo source:
Potential Benefits of ACA Implementation in Idaho Total State Population All ages
Those making % of the federal poverty level (FPL) will qualify for subsidies (tax credits) to buy insurance on the exchange 133% of FPL for 1 person is $14,856 400% of FPL for 1 person is $44,680 Subsidies/Tax Credits
How Much of a Subsidy? FPLIncomePremiumTax CreditActual Cost 133%$1,275$283$244$39 250%$2,397$283$90$193 Four tiers of plans – Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Subsidies are calculated based on Silver plan Individuals can use subsidy for any plan
Shop for insurance Each state is different, some will have federally-facilitated exchanges (FFEs) or partnerships Subsidies applied directly (only through exchanges) Idaho is still deciding what type of exchange the state will have Ex-cha-cha-cha-Changes
How many young people in Idaho could get benefits?
Exchanges in the States Idaho has not decided if it will build a state exchange or utilize the federal option Has an extended December 14 deadline to make that decision. Governor Otter supports setting up a state exchange Legislation did not pass this year
Catastrophic plans Marketed to the young Targets those with financial hardship No Annual Limits in 2014 (already phasing out) Tax Credit for employers (already started) Other important parts of the ACA Picture Source:
Individuals must have qualifying health insurance If not, penalties $95 the first year Rises in 2016, ex. $695 Exemptions Individual Mandate and Penalties Picture Source:
Jessica, 19 years old Part-time student, part-time job $10,000/year before taxes ~ 87% of poverty Without Medicaid expansion, she doesn’t qualify for Medicaid and would not have health insurance
Jeff, 21 years old Part-time student, full-time construction worker Earns $23,000/year Takes home: $1,438/month Total health premium: $283/month With tax credits he pays: $121/month
Young adults have high rates of uninsurance The ACA has many provisions that help young adults Dependent Coverage Student Health Plans Contraception and Women’s Health Changes to come Expanded Medicaid Subsidies Exchanges Individual Mandate Overview: ACA and Young Adults
Outreach and Education for Young Adults in Idaho
Health Care Outreach Mobile Technology Social Media Challenges Navigators Timeline Overview
Traditional Outreach Tabling Group presentations Hosting events New Outreach Strategies Health Care Outreach
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Find doctors and Community Health Centers in your area Search by location with GPS or zip code Search by name or category Shows user ratings of doctors in the area Find a Doctor
Explains how to find health insurance for different people (students, chronic conditions, buying your own plan) Explains the health care law Defines common health insurance terms Healthcare FAQ
Fun game for people to play while passing time in the waiting room Waiting Room Game
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It’s expensive ACA offers new options I’m young and healthy Injuries can happen to anyone Make it personal I don’t need health insurance Uninsured drives up health care costs Individual mandate requires insurance Why do I need Insurance?
State exchanges – formal “Navigator” program Funded through State’s Exchange Aids with outreach and enrollment States with federal exchanges – assisters will provide help on outreach Navigators & Assisters
Present – end of 2012: Educate young adults about ACA Ensure young adults are on dependent coverage Jan 2013 – Oct 2013: Educate young adults about the upcoming Exchanges. Oct 1 st, 2013 – March 31 st, 2014 Open enrollment for exchanges Ensure young adults are getting subsidies and Medicaid, if possible Timeline: What to Look For
ACA is phasing in, some changes already underway Outreach and education Traditional outreach Social media and mobile technology Big changes in 2013 Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Key