17 Chapter 17 Section 17.1 Success in the Workplace Section 17.2 Work and Life Balance Chapter 17 Section 17.1 Success in the Workplace Section 17.2 Balancing Multiple Roles 1
Section 17.1 Success in the Workplace Employers look for employability skills as well as personal qualities that tell them an employee wants to succeed. You must understand your role at work and have a good attitude on the job. Performance evaluations can help you advance in the workplace. 2
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary work ethic initiative flexibility workplace culture enthusiasm constructive criticism entail representative
What Employers Want Employers look for employees who have positive personal traits or characteristics. These traits, such as honesty, responsibility, professionalism, and flexibility, increase effectiveness at work. What do you consider to be your most positive characteristic?
What Employers Want Other important personal traits include a positive attitude, a good work ethic, and professionalism. Workplace culture is the atmosphere of the company’s employers and owners, based on their attitudes, behaviors, and habits. work ethic The self-imposed obligation to work hard and complete tasks efficiently and well. workplace culture An atmosphere based on the attitudes, behavior, habits, and expectations of the company’s owners and employees. 5
What Employers Want Your attitude at work should be positive when you deal with pressure or mistakes and when you manage successes and disappointments.
Evaluating Your Performance Many companies use performance evaluations to point out accomplishments and areas that need improvement. Ways to advance in your career include taking advantage of training classes, volunteering for special projects, and continuing your education.
Evaluating Your Performance Seeking advice from a mentor is one way you can advance. Display leadership by guiding and motivating others, taking initiative, making decisions, and solving problems.
Section 17.2 Balancing Multiple Roles The roles in your life may come into conflict with one another. This can have an impact on you and others. A sense of balance will help you feel in control. Support systems at home, in the community, and at work can help you manage multiple roles. 9
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary role conflict personal boundaries flextime job sharing telecommute facilitate perspective
Managing Multiple Roles Managing multiple roles presents many challenges. Family life can affect your work, and your job can affect your family life. Internal effects may leave you feeling distracted and exhausted.
Managing Multiple Roles Interpersonal effects affect not only you, but also your family, friends, and coworkers. External effects may exclude you from activities. Other factors are likely to contribute to role conflicts. role conflict When one role has a significant negative impact on another role.
The Need for Balance Not all role conflicts are equally important. A sense of balance not does eliminate role conflicts, but having balance in your life can help you feel in control. Achieve balance by setting priorities to help you put your roles in perspective. Priorities change over time.
The Need for Balance Priorities help you set personal boundaries, which are limits you set for yourself based on your values. Take steps to manage stress before it becomes a problem and results in more role conflicts. What are some ways to manage stress?
Develop Support Systems Managing multiple roles is easier with a good support system, such as family, friends, and coworkers. Friends and neighbors, along with family members, all provide mutual support.
Changing Jobs Change can be expected in your working life. Always leave a job on good terms.
Chapter Summary Section 17.1 Success in the Workplace Employers want employees who have character traits that show a desire to succeed. You must understand your role at work and be a good representative of the company. Maintain a positive attitude at work.
Chapter Summary Section 17.1 Success in the Workplace Performance evaluations help companies recognize employee accomplishments, give constructive criticism, and advance deserving employees. A mentor is someone in the company who acts as a teacher and guide.
Chapter Summary Section 17.2 Balancing Multiple Roles Your many roles will come into conflict with each other at times. This conflict can have an impact on you and your relationships. Difficult situations, unrealistic expectations, and overcommitment can add to the stress.
Chapter Summary Section 17.2 Balancing Multiple Roles You must set priorities, reduce stress, and manage time to find balance. Support systems at home, in the community, and at work can help you manage multiple roles. There are many reasons to change jobs, but do not change jobs hastily.
Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start
work ethic ética de trabajo The self-imposed obligation to work hard and complete tasks efficiently and well. La obligación auto-impuesta a trabajar duro para terminar las tareas de manera eficiente y correcta. Show Definition
initiative iniciativa The desire and willingness to do what needs to be done without being asked. El deseo y la disposición de hacer algo que se tiene que hacer sin que lo pidan. Show Definition
flexibility flexibilidad Willing to adapt to new or changing requirements. Con la disposición de adaptarse a requisitos nuevos o cambiantes. Show Definition
cultura del sitio de trabajo workplace culture An atmosphere based on the attitudes, behavior, habits, and expectations of the company’s owners and employees. Un ambiente basado en las actitudes, el comportamiento, los hábitos y las expectativas de los dueños y empleados de una compañía. Show Definition
entusiasmo enthusiasm Strong feeling of excitement. Sentimientos fuertes de emoción. Show Definition
constructive criticism crítica constructiva constructive criticism Helpful feedback that includes suggestions for ways you can learn and improve. Retroalimentación útil que incluye sugerencias para aprender y mejorar. Show Definition
entail implicar Require you to do or make necessary. Que se requiere hacer o que se hace necesario. Show Definition
representante representative Someone who acts on behalf of someone else. Alguien que actúa en nombre de otra persona. Show Definition
conflicto de responsabilidades role conflict When one role has a significant negative impact on another role. Cuando un papel tiene un impacto significativamente negativo sobre otro papel. Show Definition
límites personales personal boundaries Limits you set for yourself based on your priorities. Límites que estableces para ti mismo basados en tus propias prioridades. Show Definition
horario flexible flextime A system that allows workers to choose when they will begin and end their working day. Un sistema que permite a los trabajadores escoger cuando empiezan y cuando terminan su día de trabajo. Show Definition
job sharing compartir trabajo Two part-time workers sharing one full-time job. Dos trabajadores que comparten un trabajo de tiempo completo. Show Definition
telecommute trabajar a distancia Work from home using technology to link to one’s job. Trabajar desde la casa usando tecnología que nos conecta al trabajo. Show Definition
facilitate facilitar Make easier or bring about. Hacer fácil u ocasionar. Show Definition
perspective perspectiva A position or viewpoint. Posición o punto de vista. Show Definition
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