Adverbios: Más Ejemplos The shortest route to creating an adverb: first, take the feminine form – yes, the FEMININE form of the adjective. Adjective as it appears in the dictionary (i.e., the singular masculine form) Feminine form of the adjective conservativoconservativa cultural elegante Rule of thumb: note that the adjective ending in a consonant (cultural), has the same form in the feminine. (There are a few exceptions, but it holds true in most cases.) Same as adjectives ending in -e. -mente Now, the next step is easy: simply add -mente !
Adjective as it appears in the dictionary (i.e., the singular masculine form) Feminine form of the adjectiveAdverb conservativoconservativaconservativamente cultural culturalmente elegante elegantemente AdjectiveFeminine formAdverb excepcional tranquilo insoportable eficaz Ejemplos: A ti te toca:
AdjectiveFeminine formAdverb excepcional excepcionalmente tranquilotranquila tranquilamente insoportable insoportablemente eficaz eficazmente
The alternative ways that I also presented are just as common, and in many cases are the preferred way to go. You must bear in mind that the expression in its entirety is considered the adverb, and in each of these constructions, you use the adjective and it must agree with the noun that it describes. Alternative Ways de modo ______________ adj (sing./masc) de modo ______________ adj (sing./masc) de manera ______________ adj (sing./fem) de manera ______________ adj (sing./fem)
Más Práctica Adjectivede modo ____de manera ____ casual pretencioso desesperado importante
Respuestas Adjectivede modo ____de manera ____ casual de modo casualde manera casual pretencioso de modo pretenciosode manera pretenciosa desesperado de modo desesperado de manera desesperada importante de modo importantede manera importante These use the sing./masc. form because modo is a sing/masc noun These use the sing/fem form because manera is a sing/fem noun