Rusthall Medical Centre PPG/GP Practice Survey Results 8 th March 2013 Prepared for Sarah Buckland, Practice Administrator Confidential: Not to be copied or distributed without permission
Survey Objectives 1.Gather a broad range of patient views about the practice 2.Develop an Action Plan to address patient needs and suggestions
What was done and when? The survey was conducted in February Paper surveys were available and patients could also complete the survey online. A total of 163 responses were received 158 were completed on paper 5 were completed online The number of registered patients for Rusthall Medical Centre is 5979 representing a response rate of 3%.
Headlines (1 of 2) The vast majority of respondents felt that the level of respect and courtesy given by medical and reception staff was excellent or good. Approaching half of respondents were not aware of the Travel Service. One in three were not aware of the practice website. Respondents generally preferred to be contacted by telephone. Respondents felt that the best features about the practice were the staff, its location and the prompt availability of appointments.
Headlines (2 of 2) Out of the proposed talks/presentations, respondents felt that the impact of current government legislation on the future of the NHS and well woman and well man clinics would be the most useful. When asked for improvements, many respondents commented that none were necessary. Of those who felt they were, the most popular theme was to improve the waiting area. Other suggestions included: - having early morning, evening and weekend appointments. - improving the level of privacy at reception. - reducing waiting times.
The majority of the respondents were female and a large proportion of respondents were 65 years old and over Base: Q7 Gender: all responding: 160; Q8 Age: all responding: 159 Gender Age
Over half of respondents did not have a long standing illness, disability or infirmity and the majority do not have any children under 16 living at home Base: Q9 Children under 16 at home: all responding: 159; Q10 Long standing illness, disability or infirmity: all responding: 160 Children under 16 at Home Long standing illness, disability or infirmity
The vast majority of respondents felt that receptionists and medical staff treated them with an excellent or good level of respect Base: Q3 Rating the practice: 160 PoorFair Good Excellent
Approaching half of respondents were not aware of the Travel Service and one in three were not aware of the practice website Base: Q2 Awareness: all responding 160
Respondents generally would prefer to gain information by telephone, followed by surgery notice boards Base: Q1 Preferred method of gaining information: 158
Best features (1 of 2) The majority of respondents commented that what was particularly good about the practice was the: Excellent staff, including the doctors, nurses and receptionists (66 respondents). Base: Q4 Best features: all responding 129 Professional approach from all who work here. Excellent level of medical care. Continuity of care – can see same GP. Dr knows the family and is concerned for our welfare. Good support. Everybody seems very helpful, polite and caring.
Best features (2 of 2) The other features that were commented on were: - the location/accessibility (24). - the prompt availability of appointments (16). Base: Q4 Best features cont: all responding 129 Close to home and good doctors. It’s near home, don’t have to wait long for appointment. Being able to easily get an appointment. Fast availability of appointments.
The most popular talks/presentations were the impact of current government legislation on the future of the NHS and well woman and well man clinics Base: Q6 Possible improvements: all responding 157
Improvements (1 of 2) Some respondents (24) felt that no improvements were necessary. The most popular suggestion was to improve the waiting area. Respondents (21) put forward various ways of achieving this including having a children’s area; a water dispenser; the radio on; better flooring; an electronic display screen, magazines, a fish tank and improved lighting. Base: Q5 Improvements: all responding 112 None, it’s brilliant. It would be useful if a water dispensing machine could be available. Children’s area to make them feel more at ease.
Improvements (2 of 2) Base: Q6 Improvements cont: all responding 80 Another popular suggestion was to have more early, evening and weekend appointments (14 respondents). Other suggestions included - improving the level of privacy at reception (11 respondents). - reducing waiting times (10 respondents). Base: Q5 Improvements cont: all responding 112 If possible – though I understand the difficulties – keeping closer to appointment times. Shorter waiting times – doctors are often running very late. 7 days a week coverage. More early/late appointments for working people.
The survey generated a good level of interest in joining the PPG. Base: Q12 Joining PPG: 35 * Some respondents may already be a member of the PPG
Next Steps Finalise report and share: – With all practice staff – With Patient Participation Group (PPG) Discuss results and develop action plan Agree implementation of action plan Publicise findings and agreed actions to wider patient group Agree timetable for review of performance against action plan