9 Chapter 9 Section 9.1 Making Decisions Section 9.2 Solving Problems Decisions and Problem Solving Chapter 9 Section 9.1 Making Decisions Section 9.2 Solving Problems 1
Section 9.1 Everyday Financial Management There are many different types of influences, including internal and external. These affect the choices you make, and your choices have an impact on you and on others. 2
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary dilemma decision-making process foundation impact
Examine Decisions and Problems You will face problems and make decisions every day of your life. Find the best ways to help you make decisions and solve problems. You make better choices by being proactive, which means anticipating decisions and problems and taking action.
Examine Decisions and Problems A positive attitude influences your choices. Your emotions can affect your choices. Values, goals, and priorities are the base of making decisions. How can a negative attitude hurt you in the decisions you make? 5
Examine Decisions and Problems Your ethics help you make choices best for everyone. Your family and your peers guide your decision making. The media can influence your choices.
Examine Decisions and Problems Society and culture can influence the choices you make. Economic factors also can influence your choices.
The Decision-Making Process Making decisions is a part of life. Decisions you make now can impact your entire life. Your code of ethics helps determine your decisions.
The Decision-Making Process Review the results of your past decisions. The decision-making process involves: identifying the decision, listing all options, evaluating pros and cons, making a choice, acting on the decision, and evaluating your choice. decision-making process A six-step procedure for making thoughtful choices.
Section 9.2 Solving Problems Practical problems have common characteristics and should be examined before taking actions. The REASON process for problem-solving can help you think through complicated problems. 10
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary practical problem context practical reasoning REASON process aspect reliable
Practical Problems Often you will face a complex problem that has many elements and involves several choices. Learning how to solve practical problems is one of life’s most valuable skills. practical problems A complex situation with many elements that involves making several choices that are related to one another.
Understand Credit Practical problems are complex, have unique circumstances, affect others, involve ethical choices, require action. Pay attention to the following aspects of a practical problem: context, desired ends, means, and consequences. context All of the conditions surrounding a problem or situation.
Practical Problems Practical reasoning calls for examining and asking questions about a practical problem. practical reasoning The process of examining and asking questions about a practical problem.
The REASON Process The REASON process helps you think through and solve practical problems. REASON process A process that helps you think through and solve problems.
REASON The REASON process ecognize the primary problem. valuate reliable information. nalyze your alternatives and consequences. elect your best choice. utline by creating a step-by-step plan and take action. ote the results of your actions. REASON
Chapter Summary Section 9.1 Making Decisions You face problems and make decisions every day. Being proactive will help you make good choices and act on them. Influences on choices include attitude, emotions, values, goals, priorities, ethics, family, peers, media, society, culture, and economic factors.
Chapter Summary Section 9.1 Making Decisions The choices you make can have an impact on you and on others. Ask yourself questions to determine if a choice is ethical.
Chapter Summary Section 9.2 Solving Problems Practical problems are complex, have unique circumstances, affect others, involve ethical choices, and require action. Practical problems should be examined for context, desired ends, means, and consequences.
Chapter Summary Section 9.2 Solving Problems The REASON process can help you think through and solve problems. Resolving problems and making wise choices can help you build character and gain knowledge.
Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start
dilemma dilema A problem involving a difficult choice with serious consequences. Un problema que involucra una decisión dificil que tiene consecuencias serias. Show Definition
decision-making process proceso de tomar decisiones A six-step procedure for making thoughtful choices. Procedimiento de seis pasos para tomar decisiones conscientes. Show Definition
practical problem problema práctico A complex situation with many elements that involves making several choices that are related to one another. Situación compleja con muchos elementos que involucra el escoger entre diversas alternativas que se relacionan unas con las otras.. Show Definition
contexto context All of the conditions surrounding a problem or situation. Todas las condiciones relacionadas a un problema o situación. Show Definition
practical reasoning razonamiento práctico The process of examining and asking questions about a practical problem. El proceso de examinar y preguntar sobre un problema práctico. Show Definition
REASON process Proceso de RAZÓN A process that helps you think through and solve problems. Proceso que te ayuda a pensar y resolver problemas. Show Definition
fundamento foundation Base or support. Base o soporte. Show Definition
impact impacto The effect that something has. El efecto que algo tiene. Show Definition
aspect aspecto Part. Parte. Show Definition
Trustworthy and dependable. Fiable y responable. reliable confiable Trustworthy and dependable. Fiable y responable. Show Definition
The Amazing World of Food End of End Of Chapter 9 Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food