Demonstratives (this, that, these, those) Los demonstrativos Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
Los demonstrativos Singular: This- este, esta That (near)- ese, esa That (far)- aquel, aquella Plural: These- estos, estas Those (n)- esos, esas Those (f)- aquellos, aquellas
Los demonstrativos Demonstratives are adjectives. Therefore, they must agree in number and gender with the word being described. 2T Rule: (To help keep este and ese straight) este = this = 2T ese = that = 2T este ≠ that =3t and ese ≠ this = 1t
Ejemplos: 1. those(far) tall skyscrapers- Aquellos rascacielos altos 2. that(n) golden pear tree- Ese peral dorado 3. this big farm- Esta finca grande 4. those(n) green and yellow vegetables- Esos vegetales verdes y amarillos 5. these 4 lazy dogs- Estos cuatro perros perezosos
Ejemplos: 6. that(f) old factory- Aquella fábrica vieja 7. that(n) fat, black and white cow- Esa vaca gorda, negra y blanca 8. those(f) new houses- Aquellas casas nuevas 9. this tasty corn- Este maíz sabroso 10. that(f) small, picturesque village- Aquel pueblo pequeño y pintoresco