Syntax Word patterns English 306A; Harris
Post & post- Post haste postpartum Post hoc Postmodern “Post the Geneva meeting of Opec the OECD reckons that its 24 member countries…” postpartum Postmodern Postposition post-apartheid Post-game Suzana is in DC 2103 (first office on your right as you cross the "bridge" from DC to MC) x37198. English 306A; Harris
Post & post- S AvpP NP NP NP VP Adv Det N N Aux V Suzana is in DC 2103 (first office on your right as you cross the "bridge" from DC to MC) x37198. NP NP VP Adv Det N N Aux V Post the election Frink was depressed English 306A; Harris
Post & post- S A NP VP NP Af N AP NP N V A N postpartum Suzana is in DC 2103 (first office on your right as you cross the "bridge" from DC to MC) x37198. Af N AP NP postpartum N V A N Marge has postpartum depression English 306A; Harris
Post & post- Adv A Af N post postpartum English 306A; Harris Suzana is in DC 2103 (first office on your right as you cross the "bridge" from DC to MC) x37198. Af N post postpartum English 306A; Harris
Arguments and roles Argument: a phrase governed by a predicate (verb). Grammatical role: the grammatical job arguments assume. Semantic role: the conceptual job arguments assume. Semasiological (concern form) Onomasiological (concern meaning) English 306A; Harris
Linear Sequence English basic sentence patterns (p.89) V1 V2 V3 VCOP VCOMP VT-COMP Intransitive Transitive Ditransitive Copulative Complement Transitive-complement 1 argument 2 arguments 3 arguments 2 arguments (1= complement) 2 argument (1=complement) 3 arguments (1=complement) English 306A; Harris
Sentences Homer preens. Homer loves his blanket. Homer eats. Homer eats crap. The fat bald guy eats crap. The fat bald guy eats vast quantities of artery-hardening crap. The fat bald guy throws the dog a bone. English 306A; Harris
Verbs Homer preens. Homer loves his blanket. Homer eats. Homer eats crap. The fat bald guy eats crap. The fat bald guy eats vast quantities of artery-hardening crap. The fat bald guy throws the dog a bone . English 306A; Harris
Arguments V1 Homer preens. Homer loves his blanket. V2 Homer eats. Homer eats crap. The fat bald guy eats crap. The fat bald guy eats vast quantities of artery-hardening crap. The fat bald guy throws the dog a bone. V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 V3 English 306A; Harris
Sentences Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog English 306A; Harris
Verbs Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. English 306A; Harris
Arguments VCOP Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. VCOP VCOP VCOP VCOMP VCOMP VT-COMP VT-C0MP English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive Patient Essive English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive Patient Essive Agent Location English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive Patient Essive Agent Location Patient Possessor English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive Patient Essive Agent Location Patient Possessor Agent Patient Recipient English 306A; Harris
Semantic roles Patient Essive Homer is sexy. Homer is a nuclear-plant operations guy. Homer is in the kitchen. Homer goes to the bar. The collar belongs to Santa’s Little Helper. Marge bakes a cake for Maggie. Bart throws a bone to the dog. Patient Essive Patient Essive Agent Location Patient Possessor Agent Patient Recipient Agent Patient Recipient English 306A; Harris
Semantic Roles Role Definition Agent The entity that performs the action Patient The entity undergoing the action; the object of the experience Experiencer The entity that experiences the state Receiver The entity receives something from the action Essive Anything predicated by the (main) verb “to be” Possessor The entity who possesses something. Source The starting point for a movement Goal The end point for a movement Path The route over which movement happens Time The time an event occurs Location The place an event happens English 306A; Harris
Event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Moving Transferring Simplex Complex English 306A; Harris
Semantic Roles Role Event Schemata Agent Patient Experiencer Receiver DOING, MOVING, TRANSFERRING Patient BEING, HAPPENING, DOING, EXPERIENCING, HAVING, MOVING, TRANSFERRING Experiencer EXPERIENCING Receiver TRANSFERRING Essive BEING Possessor HAVING, TRANSFERRING Source MOVING, TRANSFERRING Goal Path Time ALL Location English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Subject NP ≈ Patient Complement ≈ Essive Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having E.g.s Homer is large. Homer is a safety inspector. Homer is in the shower. Subjects Complements Patients Essives English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Patient E.g.s Homer fell asleep. Homer ages. Homer stumbled. Subjects Patients English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Agent E.g.s Homer eats. Homer yells. Subjects Agents English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Agent (Object NP ≈ Patient) E.g.s Homer eats. Homer yells. Homer catches Bart. Homer blamed Marge. Subjects Objects Agents Patients English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Experiencer (Object NP ≈ Patient) E.g.s Homer laments. Homer loathes Flanders. Homer saw Chief Wiggum. English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Experiencer (Object NP ≈ Patient) E.g.s Homer laments. Homer loathes Flanders. Homer saw Chief Wiggum. On board: Homer saw Chief Wiggum. Exp Patient Homer watched Chief Wiggum. Agent Patient (Contrast: Homer watched Chief Wiggum.) Subjects Objects Experiencer Patients English 306A; Harris
Simplex event schemata Being Happening Doing Experiencing Having Subject NP ≈ Possessor Object NP ≈ Patient E.g.s Homer has three kids. Homer has a keen sense of smell. Homer has chicken pox. Homer owns a dog. Homer possesses a hatbox. Subjects Objects Possessors Patients English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Simplex occurrence (Happening, Having, or Doing) with explicit reference to motion. Start = Source End = Goal Route = Path Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Simplex occurrence (Happening, Having, or Doing) with explicit reference to motion. Happening + Source/Path/Goal Doing + Source/Path/Goal Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening + Source/Path/Goal Subj NP ≈ Patient Complements ≈ Source, Path, Goal Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening + Source/Path/Goal E.g.s Homer stumbled home. Homer stumbled home from Apu’s. Homer stumbled home, down the sidewalk from Apu’s. Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening + Source/Path/Goal Moving Transferring Homer stumbled home, down the sidewalk from Apu’s. Patient Goal Path Source English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Doing + Source/Path/Goal E.g.s Homer climbed out of the window. Homer climbed up Mount Splashmore from base camp to the summit. Homer ran screaming across the back yard to Flander’s. Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Doing + Source/Path/Goal Moving Transferring Homer ran screaming across the back yard to Flander’s. Agent Path Goal English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing Moving Transferring + English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing Moving Transferring + A complex schema already English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing Moving Transferring + A complex schema already Happening or Doing + Source/Path/Goal English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer dropped the ball on his foot. Homer won $1.76 from the Springfield Lottery Corporation. Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer dropped the ball on his foot. Moving Transferring Happening: Patient Patient Patient Moving: Source Patient Goal Happening: Patient Patient Patient English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g.s Homer sold the dog. Homer sold the dog to Moe. Homer bought the dog from Moe. Homer bought the dog from a puppy mill in Halton. Moving Transferring + English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer sold the dog. Moving Transferring + English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer sold the dog. Moving Transferring + Having: It’s about possession, Moving: but the possession ‘moves’. It leaves Homer (transfers from him). Doing: Homer actively causes the transfer. English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer sold the dog. Moving Transferring + Having: Possessor Patient Moving: Source Patient Doing: Agent Patient English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer sold the dog to Moe. Moving Transferring + English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer sold the dog to Moe. Moving Transferring + Having: It’s about possession, Moving: but the possession ‘moves’. It transfers from Homer to Moe. Doing: Homer actively causes the transfer. English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g.s Homer threw the dog a bone. Homer mailed Marge a letter. Moving Transferring English 306A; Harris
Complex event schemata Happening Having Moving Doing E.g. Homer threw the dog a bone. Moving Transferring Doing: Agent Receiver Patient Moving: Source Goal Patient Doing: Agent Receiver Patient English 306A; Harris
Maggie bandages the cat. Arguments and “voice” Doing schema Active voice Argument1 V2 Argument2 Maggie bandages the cat. English 306A; Harris
Arguments and “voice” Grammatical roles Doing schema Active voice Subject V2 Object Maggie bandages the cat. English 306A; Harris
Arguments and “voice” Semantic roles Doing schema Active voice Agent V2 Patient Maggie bandages the cat. English 306A; Harris
The cat is bandaged by Maggie. Arguments and “voice” Happening schema Passive voice Argument1 V1 The cat is bandaged by Maggie. English 306A; Harris
Arguments and “voice” Grammatical roles Happening schema Passive voice Subject V1 Comp The cat is bandaged by Maggie. English 306A; Harris
The cat is bandaged by Maggie. Arguments and “voice” Happening schema Passive voice Passive an alternate Happening schema for a proposition normally expressed as a Doing schema an alternate VCOMP pattern for what is normally expressed as a V2 pattern The cat is bandaged by Maggie. English 306A; Harris
Arguments and “voice” Semantic roles Happening schema Passive voice Patient V1 Agent The cat is bandaged by Maggie. English 306A; Harris
Syntax The sentence Event schemata the verb and its arguments the subject and the predicate phrase Event schemata simplex complex (simplex + relocation) semantic roles English 306A; Harris