How to Handle Complaints Presented By Tracy Penn & Lisa Singh
Complaints Who has ever made a complaint? How did you feel about making a complaint? What was the outcome?
Common Complaints What are the main areas of complaint that you receive at your practice?
Why Do Complaints Occur? Lack of COMMUNICATION!!
How to Handle the Complaint Listen – don’t interrupt Apologise Write notes, while the patient is speaking Clearly recite the concern back to the patient – without emotion Aim to handle this concern fully, only pass to someone else in the team if completely necessary Aim to resolve with as little fuss as possible, no drama
Complaints Register Why should we track our complaints? What should we do with the information once it is being tracked? Who should be tracking the information?
Appreciate and Negotiate Always be grateful that the patient has expressed their concern/feedback Be prepared to negotiate Make a follow up call to the patient if appropriate or send a hand written card