One Acre Fund Farmers First CONFIDENTIAL
One Acre Fund Proven impact: double farm profit per acre We serve one-acre farm families in East Africa We don’t give hand-outs, we invest in hard-working families so they can help themselves Proven impact: double farm profit per acre Non-profit revenue model: farmers pay for services 6 years old – starting initial scale up We currently serve 135,000 farm families Will grow our core service program to over 1 million farmers with the next 8 years. CONFIDENTIAL
Where we work: East Africa One Acre Fund works in East Africa, in the countries of Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi Kenya Rwanda and Burundi CONFIDENTIAL
Our Client Most of the world’s poor are farmers. Talk about my personal involvement Most of the world’s poor are farmers. They have a remarkably uniform dilemma. CONFIDENTIAL
Feed a family of six with one acre of land, and a simple hand hoe CONFIDENTIAL
It is not working. Our families are not food secure. One in seven of our kids dies before age 5. CONFIDENTIAL
Farming is the world’s most dominant profession and biggest opportunity Most of the world’s poor are farmers Their profession is to grow food They use out-dated tools and techniques Zero existing capital Simple tools and education can double farm income This is the goal of One Acre Fund SIMPLE technology (not 100 years ago) CONFIDENTIAL
How: our program model CONFIDENTIAL
Innovation 1: Complete “market in a box” for one-acre farmers Producer Groups Productive asset loan (seed & fertilizer) Training Harvest Market Access Certificate woman: Rose Nabangi Education: simple things. This is not just a farm field, it means 12,000 meals. We’re scaling to 100 farmers! CONFIDENTIAL
Innovation 2: Distribution CONFIDENTIAL
Scalable impact One Acre Fund Field Unit: One field officer … provides our service bundle … to 140 farm families Producer Groups Seed and Fertilizer on Loan Training Harvest Market Access Certificate woman: Rose Nabangi Education: simple things. This is not just a farm field, it means 12,000 meals. We’re scaling to 100 farmers! With 700 children in those families CONFIDENTIAL
Getrude’s family BEFORE BEFORE AFTER Getrude’s Family CONFIDENTIAL
The tallest maize Getrude has ever seen Read off basically. The best harvest of Getrude’s life CONFIDENTIAL
Rwandan farmers cooperating together CONFIDENTIAL
Spacing seeds for the first time CONFIDENTIAL
Current Status and Vision CONFIDENTIAL
Current status Scale: Impact: Sustainability: Families served 2x net rev per acre Sustainability: % of Operations covered by Program revenues CONFIDENTIAL
Vision in eight years Direct service Partnership with government Help build a broader movement We will directly serve 1.1 million families per year (5 million children) We will have 5,000 field staff spread evenly over rural areas We will be working in 5-6 countries We will represent a significant constituency – for example, 12% of Rwanda’s entire population We will use this as a platform to work together with African governments We will work together with targeted, large microfinance institutions to help them expand into rural agriculture lending There are about 40 million extremely subsistence farm families in Sub-Saharan Africa – growing by 1 million per year. We need to think ambitiously, at scale. CONFIDENTIAL