MAYIBUYE ONE-STOP CENTRE ♦Lifeline ♦Child Welfare ♦Provincial AIDS Action Unit ♦Lawyers for Human Rights ♦University Legal Clinic ♦Department of Welfare ♦SANCA ♦NICRO ♦Home Affairs ALL UNDER ONE ROOF A Project of Child Welfare in collaboration with Msunduzi Municipality
OBJECTIVE ONE To provide an accessible, integrated, holistic community service to individuals and groups living in and around the Dambuza area of Edendale with a specific focus on women and individuals infected/affected by HIV.To provide an accessible, integrated, holistic community service to individuals and groups living in and around the Dambuza area of Edendale with a specific focus on women and individuals infected/affected by HIV. Initial Service Delivery Objectives include:- Citizens Advice Bureau Two Aids counsellors will be based at the centre on a full time basis. A lifeline counsellor will deal with cases of abused or raped women and children. They would be provided with a computer database to operate the Msunduzi Referral Network. This is an Oxfam Funded project.
OBJECTIVE ONE –cont. Currently a feeding scheme has been established with the assistance of municipality. Children and the elderly are fed on a daily basis. A local school (Sanswilli Primary), has been approached to adopt a piece of land to begin an agricultural project. Students will be trained in basic and advanced agricultural skills. Produce grown in the garden will be sold by the students and used to supplement the feeding scheme.
OBJECTIVE TWO To help community members to review their skills and resources through a process of community research and to develop these strengths creating opportunity for growth.To help community members to review their skills and resources through a process of community research and to develop these strengths creating opportunity for growth.
INTERSECTORAL COLLABORATION INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION Interdisciplinary collaboration involved pulling together of the different disciplines each with their own specific focus areas and strengths to address the social issues in Dambuza.Interdisciplinary collaboration involved pulling together of the different disciplines each with their own specific focus areas and strengths to address the social issues in Dambuza. When defining the issue of HIV/AIDS in Dambuza, aspects of prevention, rights, poverty, child-headed households, gender violence, social security and health care were highlighted.When defining the issue of HIV/AIDS in Dambuza, aspects of prevention, rights, poverty, child-headed households, gender violence, social security and health care were highlighted. In attempting to address these issues, health, social work, psychological and legal disciplines were brought on board.In attempting to address these issues, health, social work, psychological and legal disciplines were brought on board. Intersectoral collaboration involved integrating the preventative inputs from the different sectors of society, such as the NGO sector, local government, community based agencies, business ( T.D.M, Nashua), a pivotal role was played by Msunduzi municipality.Intersectoral collaboration involved integrating the preventative inputs from the different sectors of society, such as the NGO sector, local government, community based agencies, business ( T.D.M, Nashua), a pivotal role was played by Msunduzi municipality.
REACHING NEW HORIZONS TOGETHER A form of nodal development which will encourage further development in the area.A form of nodal development which will encourage further development in the area. A best practice model for other provinces in that it represents the following:-A best practice model for other provinces in that it represents the following:- An integrated support Network. An integrated support Network. Mass skills development Programme. Mass skills development Programme. Medium for building family values and nation building. Medium for building family values and nation building. Problem and challenge management venture in dealing with poverty. Problem and challenge management venture in dealing with poverty. Releasing individuals and community potential and power. Releasing individuals and community potential and power. Intersectoral, Multidisciplinary and Community participation forum. Intersectoral, Multidisciplinary and Community participation forum.