Does the Lake District have just one sense of place? Aim: to compare two contrasting locations in the Lake District National Park through ‘sense of place’ activities.
Fieldwork Objectives To develop practical fieldwork skills such as field sketches and bi-polar environmental quality surveysTo develop practical fieldwork skills such as field sketches and bi-polar environmental quality surveys To introduce a case study which focuses on landscape conservation, paying particular attention to the role of human activity in environmental change.To introduce a case study which focuses on landscape conservation, paying particular attention to the role of human activity in environmental change.
Two Fieldwork Sites Great WoodsBowness Images produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.Ordnance Survey Get-a-map serviceOrdnance Survey Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
The Great Woods
What will we do here… Investigate soundscapesInvestigate soundscapes Use ‘human cameras’Use ‘human cameras’ Create and annotate a field sketchCreate and annotate a field sketch Complete a bi-polar surveyComplete a bi-polar survey Analyse images and poemsAnalyse images and poems Write your own poem or rapWrite your own poem or rap
What will we do here… Investigate soundscapesInvestigate soundscapes Use ‘human cameras’Use ‘human cameras’ Create and annotate a field sketchCreate and annotate a field sketch Complete a bi-polar surveyComplete a bi-polar survey Collect materials for a collageCollect materials for a collage
What will we do afterwards… 1.Create a collage using your collected items to demonstrate your thoughts and observations about the place of Bowness. 2. Present your work - read your poem from Great Woods, then explain the reasons behind your Bowness collage, highlighting any similarities and differences between the two sites. 3. Hold a group discussion to confirm or dispute the assumption that the Lake District National Park has just one distinctive sense of place.
Just remember… We want to know your own personal thoughts and feelings about each place.We want to know your own personal thoughts and feelings about each place. It doesn’t matter if you feel differently to anyone else – it’s your views that count!It doesn’t matter if you feel differently to anyone else – it’s your views that count! Just relax to truly experience each placeJust relax to truly experience each place